Dark Challenge. Christine Feehan. Dark Series – book 5

Julian soon realized that Darius and Desari were indeed living relatives of the healer, the Dark One. They had to be Gregori’s younger brother and sister, presumed murdered by the Turks. Perhaps others had escaped as well. The moment he knew the truth, he reached across time and space. Gregori! I have found what I long sought. There are others. Your bloodline. They survived the massacres and escaped far away.

It was no wonder that Darius reminded him so much of the healer. Darius was every bit as resourceful and powerful as his older brother. He would make a bitter, relentless enemy, dangerous beyond imagination. He would make a loyal, protective friend despite his inability to feel emotions. His word was his law. He recognized no other. Julian found himself respecting Darius where he respected few others.

I thank you for sending me word of Darius and Dara, Julian.

I also feel your need, Julian. Desari is your lifemate. Attend to her. There was great satisfaction evident in the healer’s voice even over the distance. Have you need of me at this time?

No, healer. I welcome the challenge your male kin provides. And Julian did. The wonder and beauty of the world was within his grasp.

I will contact Mikhail and inform Savannah. We will come if you have need of us; otherwise, we will all meet at a later date.

I have no need, Julian assured the healer. He had faith in his own abilities. He didn’t want or need the healer’s interference or presence. Gregori doubtless knew the exact nature of the darkness crouching in Julian’s soul, a fact Julian had successfully kept even from his own twin. Gregori believed in his honor, but he also knew Julian was shadowed, and might decide such a one had no right to Desari, no right to her at all.

Julian had no intention of giving up Desari. It would be impossible even if he were inclined to do so. They were tied together for all eternity. The ritual words had been spoken. Although they had not completed the entire cycle of the ritual, the ancient words themselves were binding, and Julian knew the consequences. They would be unable to be apart without intense grief, without dire physical discomfort. And the waves of Carpathian heat would eventually overcome them, demanding they unite.

It was a protection for the male’s sanity, for his soul, that he could bind his mate to him for all time regardless of her fears. Fears could be dealt with; the destruction of one’s soul was for all eternity. Desari believed she could control her destiny, that she had a choice, but Julian knew better. She belonged to him, was a part of him. Not even Darius could change that without destroying her. And if his own honor demanded he do the right thing, release her from one such as him, it was already too late. He had tied them together in the heat of their first meeting. It was done.

Julian sighed softly and held her close to him. “Your brother is Carpathian and blood kin to you. I would not wish harm to him. If it is necessary that we remain with him to ensure that he does not allow harm to come to himself, then that is what we will do.”

Desari knew Julian believed he was making a great concession for her, but he wasn’t doing her any favors. Darius would not accept him easily into their circle. Neither would Dayan or Barack. The males were difficult at best. For hundreds of years they had depended upon one another, interacted with one another. They would not willingly allow a stranger into their midst.

* * *

Chapter Five

Desari lifted her head from the warmth and temptation of Julian’s chest. Her enormous eyes were soft with sadness. “I know you do not understand, but I can do no other than return to my family right now. I refuse to continue being irresponsible, selfish, when my brother has given so much.”

She expected Julian to argue with her, and her hand, positioned over his heart, trembled. Julian’s golden eyes drifted possessively over her upturned face. His burning hunger, so intense, so blatant, took her breath away, stole her resolve. How could a man need her so much? How could he show that need to her without ego or fear that he would be totally vulnerable? How could she turn away from such an honest burning need? “Julian.” She whispered his name, an aching desire, feeling torn between two strong men, two loyalties, one she didn’t even understand.

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Categories: Christine Feehan