Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

was standing over me with his trusty board in his hands.

” Nice try, wise guy!” he sneered.” But not good enough.

Now give me the …”

Suddenly he went sprawling as someone piled into him

from behind.

“Quick, Mr. Skeeve! Get up!”

It took me a moment to realize it was the street vendor

I had spoken to that morning. He crouched over me, facing

down the circling gang.

“Hurry up! I can’t hold these guys off by myself!”

I wasn’t sure I could get up if I wanted to, but at this

point I was willing to abandon any hopes of a non-violent

solution to our problems. Propping myself up on one elbow,

I reached out with my mind, grabbed a garbage can, and

sent it sailing through the gang’s formation.

“What the . . .”

“Look out!”

If they wanted physical, I’d give it to them. I mentally

grabbed two more trash cans and sent them into the fray,

keeping all three flying back and forth in the narrow confines

of the alley.

“Cripes! I’m on your side! Remember?” the street vendor

cried, ducking under one of my missiles.

I summoned up a little more energy and threw a ward

over the two of us. Somehow, I didn’t think anyone had

thought to use their anti-magik stuff on a garbage can.

A few more swings with the old trash cans, and it was

all over.

Heaving a ragged breath, I dropped the ward and brought

my makeshift weapons to a halt. Pour of my attackers lay


sprawled on the ground, and the other two had apparently

taken to their heels.

“Nice work, Skeeve,” Kalvin crowed, appearing from

wherever it was he had taken cover when the fracas started.

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Categories: Asprin, Robert