Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

tell the Djin was rolling his eyes in an anguished “I told

you so.” Still, the more I thought about it, the more hopeful

I became. This Butterfly just might be offbeat enough to

know something about Aahz. I figured it was at least worth

a try.

Strange as it may sound, I was as nervous about meeting

the Butterfly as Edvik claimed to be about dealing with

magicians. Magicians I had been dealing with for several

years and knew what to expect … or if my experiences

were an accurate sample, what not to expect. Financiers,

on the other hand, were a whole different kettle of fish. I

had no idea what I was getting into or how to act. I tried

to reassure myself by remembering that this particular finan-

cier had dealt with Edvik in the past, and so could not be



too stuffy. Still, I found myself straightening my disguise

spell nervously as the cabbie called up to the Butterfly from

the lobby. I was still traveling as a Klahd, but had used my

disguise spell to upgrade my wardrobe a bit so that I at least

looked like I was comfortable in monied circles.

I needn’t have worried.

The Butterfly did not live up to any of my preconceived

notions or fears about what a financier was like. First of

all, instead of an imposing office lined with shelves full of

leatherbound books and incomprehensible charts, it seemed

he worked out of his apartment, which proved to be smaller

than my own office, though much more tastefully furnished,

Secondly, he was dressed quite casually in a pair of slacks

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Categories: Asprin, Robert