Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

boyo. Just what is it you do for a livin’ that you can afford

such an extravagant address … or to pay for expensive

meals you aren’t going to eat, for that matter?”

“I uh, work for a corporation . . . M.Y.T.H. Inc. . . .

It’s a co-op of magik consultants.”

“Is that a fact?” The policeman’s skepticism was open.

“Tell me, boyo, what is it you do for them that they had

to hire a Klahd instead of one of their local lads?”

Maybe I was recovering from passing out, or maybe his

sarcasm was getting to me, but I started to get a bit annoyed

with the questions.

“I’m the president and founder,” I snapped, “and since

I personally recruited the staff, they didn’t have whole

bunches to say about my qualifications.”

Actually, they had had a lot to say. Specifically, they

were the ones who railroaded me into my current lofty

position. Somehow, though, this didn’t seem to be the time

to try to point that out.

“Really?” The policeman was still pushing, but he

seemed a lot more respectful now. “It’s clear that there’s

more to you than meets the eye, Mister Skeeve.”

“Steady, Skeeve,” the Djin said quietly. “Let’s not get

too aggressive with the representatives of the local law.”


Robert Asprin

It was good advice, and I tried to get a handle on my


“You can check it out if you like,” I said stiffly.

“Oh, I intend to. Would you mind tellin’ me what the

president of a corporation from Deva is doin’ in our fair

dimension? Are you here on business?”

“Well … I guess you could say that.”

“Good. Then I’m sure you won’t mind givin’ me the

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Categories: Asprin, Robert