Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert


That was from the Pervect who had seated me, but his

words brought it all back to me. The special dish from Klah!

” He served me a roast Klahd on a platter!” I said, leveling

a shaky but accusing finger at the Pervect.

“Is that a fact now?”

The policeman cocked an eye at the Pervect, who became

quite agitated.

‘ ‘Non-sense! Eet is against the law to serve sentient beings

without a li-cense. See for yourself, Offi-sair! Thees is a

replica on-ley.”

Sure enough, he was right! The figure on the platter was

actually constructed on pieces of unidentifiable cuts of meat

with what looked like baked goods filling in the gaps. The

rat seemed to be authentic, but I’ll admit I didn’t look close.

The overall effect was, as I can testify, horrifyingly real.

The policeman studied the dish closely before turning his

attention to the waiter once more.

“Don’t ya think it was a trifle harsh, servin’ the lad with

what seemed to be one of his own?”

“But he deed not look like thees when he came in! I

on-ley served heem what he asked for . . . sometheeng from



That’s when I became aware of the fact that my disguise

spell was no longer on. I must have lost control of it when

I fainted. When it disappeared, however, was not as impor-

tant as the fact that it was gone! I was now seen by one and

all as what I really was … a Klahd!

The policeman had now turned his gaze on me and was

studying me with what I felt was unhealthy interest.

“Really, now,” he said. “Perhaps you could be tellin’

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Categories: Asprin, Robert