Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

Chapter One:

“Nobody’s seen it all!”


THOSE OF YOU who have been following my mishaps know

me as Skeeve (sometimes Skeeve the Great) and that I grew

up in the dimension Klah, which is not the center of culture

or progress for our age no matter how generously you look

at it. Of course, you also know that since I started chronicling

my adventures, I’ve knocked around a bit and seen a lot of

dimensions, so I’m not quite the easily impressed bumpkin

I was when I first got into the magik biz. Well, let me tell

you, no matter how sophisticated and jaded I thought I had

become, nothing I had experienced to date prepared me for

the sights that greeted me when I dropped in on the dimension


The place was huge. Not that it stretched farther than any

other place I had been. I mean, a horizon is a horizon.

Right? Where it did go that other places I had visited hadn’t,

was up!

None of the tents or stalls I was used to seeing at the

Bazaar at Deva were in evidence here. Instead, massive

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buildings stretched up into the air almost out of sight. Ac-

tually, the buildings themselves were plainly in sight. What

was almost lost was the sky! Unless one looked straight up,

it.wasn’t visible at all, and even then it was difficult to

believe that little strip of brightness so far overhead was

really the sky. Perhaps this might have been more impressive

if the buildings themselves were pleasanter to look at. Un-

fortunately, for the most part they had the style and grace

of an oversized outhouse . . . and roughly the same degree

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Categories: Asprin, Robert