Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

I guess that, realizing his financial situation, we haven’t

been as diligent about keeping track of him as we’ve been

with our other alumni.”

I fought against a wave of disappointment, unwilling to

believe that after everything I had been through, this was

going to turn out to be another dead end.

“Didn’t he have a school or business or something? I

met one of his apprentices once.”

The Pervect shook his head.

“No. That we would have known about. He may have

been willing to instruct a few close friends or relatives . . .

that’s not uncommon for someone who’s studied here. But

I think I can say for sure that he hasn’t been doing any

formal teaching here or on any other dimension. We would

have heard, if for no other reason than his students would

have contacted us to confirm his credentials.”

Now that he mentioned it, I did recall that Rupert, the

apprentice I had met, had specifically been introduced as

Aahz’s nephew. Overcome with a feeling of hopelessness,

I almost missed what the record keeper said next.

“Speaking of relatives. We do have an address for his

next of kin … in this case, his mother. Perhaps if you

spoke to her, you might find out his current whereabouts.”

Chapter Eighteen:

” ‘M’ is for the many things she taught me…”


THE SEARCH FOR the address the record keeper had given

me led us onto some of the dimension’s side streets which

made up the residential areas. Though at first Perv seems

to be composed entirely of businesses, there is also a thriving

neighborhood community just a few steps off the main busi-

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Categories: Asprin, Robert