Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

“That’s good. I think I’m going to need some.”

“I’ll say. Well, the first piece of advice I’ve got for you

is to forget about this and head for home before it’s too late.”

For a moment the thought was almost tempting, but I

shook it off.

“Not a chance,” I said firmly. “Let’s go back to my

original request. Can you advise me on how to find Aahz?”

“I might have a few ideas on the subject,” the Djin



“Have you tried a phone book?”

By now suspicion had grown into full-blown certainty.

My hidden ace had turned out to be a deuce … no, a

joker. If I was counting on Kalvin for the difference between

success and failure, I was in a lot of trouble.

Until now I had taken finding Aahz for granted, and had

only been worrying about what to say once we were face-to-

face. Now, looking at the streets and skyscrapers of Perv,

I was painfully aware that just finding Aahz was going to

be harder than I thought . . . a lot harder!

Chapter Three:

‘It’s not even a nice place to visit!”

—FODOR’S Guide To Perv

EVEN AFTER GETTING used to the madness that was the

Bazaar at Deva, the streets of Perv were something to behold.

For one thing, the Bazaar was primarily geared for pedestrian

I traffic, the Merchants’ Guild being strong enough to push

through ordinances that favor modes and speed of travel

that almost forced people to look at every shop and display !

they passed. My home dimension of Klah was a pretty

backward place, and I had rarely seen a vehicle more ad-

vanced or faster than an oxcart.

Perv, on the other hand, had thoroughfares split between

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Categories: Asprin, Robert