Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

“You said ‘First of all. . . . ‘ That usually implies there’s

more than one reason.”

The cabbie shot me a glance over his shoulder.

“That’s right. Well, if you must know, I’m a little uncom-

fortable around magicians . . . current company excepted,

of course. Never had much call to deal with ’em and just

as happy to keep it that way. I’ve got a buddy, though,

who’s a financier. He just might be able to help you out.

Most of these finance types know each other, you know.

Leastwise, I can probably get you in to see him without an



Kalvin was waving a hand at me, trying to get my atten-


“I probably don’t have to remind you of this,” he said,

“but your time is rather limited. I didn’t say anything about

your chatting with that scruffy street vendor, but are you

really going to blow off part of a day talking to a supposed

financier who hangs out with cab drivers?”

“How did you meet this guy?” I queried, trying desper-

ately to ignore the Djin’s words … or, to be exact, how

closely they echoed my own thoughts.

“Oh, we sort of ran into each other at an art auction.”

“An art auction?”

I didn’t mean to let my incredulity show in my voice,

but it kind of slipped out. In response, Edvik twisted around

in his seat to face me directly.

“Yeah. An auction. What’s the matter? Don’t you think

I can appreciate art?”

Left to their own devices, the lizards powering our vehicle

began veering toward the curb.

“Well . . . no. I mean, I’ve never met an art collector

before. I don’t know much about art, so it surprised me,

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Categories: Asprin, Robert