Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

vin said anxiously. “Anything contagious, I mean?”

“No, I’m just trying to signal for one of the salesmen.”


The Djin floated a few feet higher to peer toward the cash


“It doesn’t seem to be working.”

“I can see that, Kalvin. The question is, what will?”

We waited a few more moments and watched the salesmen

in their discussion.

“Maybe you should go over there,” the Djin suggested

at last.

It seemed strange to pursue a salesman to get him to take

my money, but lacking a better idea I wandered over to the

sales counter.

. . . And stood there.

The salesmen finished their discussion of sports and

started on dirty jokes.

. . . And stood there.

Then the subject was the relative merits of the women

they were dating. It might have been interesting, not to

mention instructional, if I hadn’t been getting so annoyed.

“Do you get the feeling I’m not the only one who’s

invisible?” Kalvin muttered sarcastically.

When a Djin who’s used to sitting in a bottle for years

starts getting impatient, I figure I’m justified in taking action.

44 Robert Asprin

“Excuse me,” I said firmly, breaking into the conversa-

tion. “I’d like to look at that bag over there? The small

magik one in green canvas?”

“Go ahead,” one of the salesmen shrugged and returned

to his conversation.

I stood there for a few more moments in sheer disbelief,

then turned and marched back over to the bag.

“Now you’re starting to move like a Pervect,” the Djin


“I don’t care,’-‘ I snarled. “And that’s Pervert! I’ve tried

to be nice . . . didn’t want to mess up their display . . .

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Categories: Asprin, Robert