Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

left as you come out of the main entrance. It’s called Bandi’s.

You can’t miss it.”

That was worth a few extra coins to me. It also gave me

an idea.

“Say, Burgt, I’ve heard you bellhops have a bit of an

information network. Is that true?”

The bellhop eyed the coins I was pouring back and forth

from hand to hand.

“Sort of,” he admitted. “It depends on what kind of

information you’re looking for.”

“Well, I’m looking for a guy, name of Aahz. Would

have hit town in the last couple of days. If you or any of

your friends should find out where he is and let me know,

I’d be real appreciative. Get me?”

I let the coins pour into his uniform pocket.

“Yes, sir. Aahz, was it? I’ll spread the word and see

what we can turn up.”

He departed hastily, shutting the door firmly but quietly

behind him.

“You did that very well, Skeeve,” Kalvin said.

“What? Oh. Thanks, Kalvin.”

“Really. You looked just like a gangster paying off an


I guess my work with the Mob had influenced me more

than I had realized. It wasn’t a line of conversation I wanted

to pursue too far, though.

“Just something I picked up,” I said casually, pocketing

the room key. “Come on. Let’s try to find something eatable

in this dimension.”

Chapter Seven:

“… On the street where you live.”


I HAD THOUGHT the streets of Perv were intimidating walk-

ing or riding through them by day. At night, they were a

whole new world. I didn’t know if I shoud be frightened

or depressed, but one thing I knew I wasn’t was comfortable.

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Categories: Asprin, Robert