Myth 08 – Myth-Nomers by Aspirin, Robert

good way to get there. Whatever Massha was doing right

now, I wasn’t wild about her dropping everything just to

provide me with transport.

“All right. You’ve got yourself a job,” I announced.

“Just give me a minute to get things together and we’ll be


That was my original plan, but as I opened the door to

my room, I realized I had a visitor.


“Well, don’t just stand there with your mouth open. Are

you coming or going?”

If there was any doubt in my mind as to who my visitor

was, that greeting banished it.


After all my searching—and soul-searching—I couldn’t

believe my mentor, friend, and partner was finally in front

of my eyes, but there he was!

“That’s right. I heard you wanted to talk to me … so


“I suppose it’s reassuring to know that some things never

change, Aahzmandius . . . like you.”

That last came from Pookie as she slipped past me into

the room.

“Pookie!? Is that you?”

For the moment, Aahz seemed to be as dumbstruck as I


“You two know each other?”

Surprised and off-stride, I returned to familiar patterns

and asked a redundant question.

“Know each other?” Aahz laughed. “Are you kidding?

We’re cousins!”

“Distant cousins,” Pookie corrected without enthusiasm.

“Really? Why didn’t you say anything, Pookie?”

“You never asked.”

“But . . . you knew I was looking for him!”

“Actually, it took me a while to put it together, and when

I did, I didn’t know where he was either. Besides, to tell

you the truth, from what I recall, I figured you’d be better

off without him.”

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Categories: Asprin, Robert