Myth conceptions by Robert Asprin

That was all the opening I needed. Reaching out with my mind, I brought the pendant winging to my hand.

“Aahz!” I began.

“I don’t believe it,” my mentor mumbled to himself. “I saw it, but I still don’t believe it.”


My pet came racing up to my side, understandably pleased with himself.

“Hi, fella!” I cried, ignoring his breath and throwing my arms around his neck in a hug. “What happened out there, anyway?”

“Gleep!” my pet said evasively, carefully studying a cloud.

If I had expected an answer, it was clear I wasn’t going to get one.

“I still don’t believe it,” Aahz repeated.

“Look, Aahz,” I said, holding the pendant aloft. “Now we don’t have to worry about that or any other dragon. We’ve shown a profit!”

“So we did,” Aahz scowled. “But do me a favor, huh, kid?”

“What’s that, Aahz?” I asked.

“If that dragon, or any dragon, wanders into our camp, don’t feed it! We already have one, and that’s about all my nerves can stand. Okay?”

“Sure, Aahz,” I smiled.

“Gleep!” said my pet, rubbing against me for more petting, which he got.

Chapter Twenty-Two:

“Hell hath no fury like a demon scorched.”


OUR next war council made the previous ones look small. This was only to be expected, as we were dealing with the commander of the entire left flank of the Empire’s army.

Our meeting was taking place in a pavilion constructed specifically for that purpose, and the structure was packed with officers, including Claude. It seemed Antonio was true to his word, even though he himself was not currently present.

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Categories: Asprin, Robert