Myth conceptions by Robert Asprin

I cleared my throat noisily.


I considered going over to their table.

“Listen up!” Aahz barked suddenly, scaring me half to death.

The conversation stopped abruptly and all heads swiveled my way.

“Aah …” I began confidently. “We’re ready to go now. Everybody outside. Wait for me by the dragon.”

“Right, boss!” Brockhurst called, starting for the door.

“I’ll be a minute, youngster,” Ajax wheezed, struggling to rise.

“Here, Gramps,” Gus said. “Let me give you a hand.”

“Name’s not Gramps, it’s Ajax!” the Archer scowled.

“Just trying to be helpfill,” the gargoyle apologized.

“I kin’ stand up by myself,” Ajax insisted. “Just ‘cause I’m old don’t mean I’m helpless.”

I glanced to Aahz for help, but he and Tanda were already headed out.

As I turned back to Ajax, I thought I caught a glimpse of a small, blue figure slipping out through the door ahead of us. If it was the Gremlin, he was nowhere in sight when I finally reached the street.

Chapter Sixteen:

“Myth-conceptions are the major cause of wars!”


FORTUNATELY, the army had not moved from the position it held when we left for Deva. I say fortunately because Aahz pointed out they might well have renewed their advance in our absence. If that had happened, we would have returned to find ourselves behind the enemy lines, if not actually in the middle of one of their encampments.

Of course, he pointed this out to me after we had arrived back on Klah. Aahz is full of helpful little tidbits of information, but his timing leaves a lot to be desired.

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Categories: Asprin, Robert