Myth conceptions by Robert Asprin

“Five,” he said, extending his palm.

The chancellor grudgingly dug into his purse and counted out five gold pieces. In fact, he counted them twice before passing them to Aahz.

“You realize, of course,” he warned, “I will require an accounting of those funds after your victory.”

“Of course,” Aahz smiled, fondling the coins.

“You seem very confident of our victory. Lord Chancellor,” I observed.

Grimble regarded me with cocked eyebrow for a moment.

“Of course I am confident. Lord Magician,” he said at last. “So confident, I have staked my kingdom, and more importantly, my reputation, on your success. You will note I rate my reputation above the kingdom. That is no accident. Kingdoms rise and fall, but a chancellor can always find employment. That is, of course, providing it was not his advice which brought the kingdom to ruin. Should you fail in your campaign to save Possiltum, my career is finished. If that should happen, gentlemen, your careers fall with mine.”

“That has the sound of a threat to it, Grimble,” Aahz observed dryly.

“Does it?” the chancellor responded with mock innocence. “That was not my intent. I am not threatening, I am stating a fact. I maintain very close contact with the chancellors of all of the surrounding kingdoms; in fact I am related to several. They are all aware of my position in this magik versus the military issue. Should I prove wrong in my judgment, should you fail in your defense of Possiltum, they will note it. Thereafter, any magician-and you specifically, Skeeve-will be denounced as a fraud and a charlatan should you seek further employment. In fact, as the chancellors frequently control the courts, I would not be surprised if they found an excuse or a trumped-up charge which would allow them to have you put to death as a favor to me. The method of death varies from kingdom to kingdom, but the end result is the same. I trust you will keep that in mind as you plan your campaign.”

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Categories: Asprin, Robert