Myth conceptions by Robert Asprin

Sweeping the crowd with his eyes, Badaxe spotted several of his soldiers in our entourage. His dark expression grew even darker, boding ill for those men. I guessed he was curious as to why they had failed to carry out his orders to stop our return.

Whatever he had in mind, it would have to wait. The king was raising his arms, and the assemblage obediently fell silent to hear what he had to say.

“Lord Magician,” he began, “know that the cheers of the grateful citizens of Possiltum only echo my feelings for this service you have done us.”

A fresh wave of applause answered him.

“News of your victory has spread before you,” he continued. “And already our historians are recording the details of your triumph … as much as is known, that is.”

An appreciative ripple of laughter surged through the crowd.

“While we do not pretend to comprehend the workings of your powers,” the king announced, “the results speak for themselves. A mighty army of invincible warriors vanished into thin air, weapons and all. Only their armor and siege machines littering the empty battlefield mark their passing. The war is won! The threat to Possiltum is ended forever!”

At this, the crowd exploded. The air again filled with flowers and shouting shook the very walls of the palace.

The king tried to shout something more, but it was lost in the jubilant noise. Finally he shrugged and reentered the palace, pausing only for a final wave at the crowd.

I thought it was a rather cheap ploy, allowing him to cash in on our applause as if it were intended for him, but I let it go. Right now we had bigger fish to fry.

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Categories: Asprin, Robert