Myth conceptions by Robert Asprin

Ajax lost no time upon our arrival. Moving with a briskness that belied his years, he strung his bow and stood squinting at the distant encampments.

“Well, youngster,” he asked, never taking his eyes from the enemy’s formations, “what’s my first batch of targets?”

His eagerness took me aback a bit, but Aahz covered for me neatly.

“First,” he said loftily, “we’ll have to hold a final planning session.”

“We didn’t expect to have you along, Ajax,” Tanda added. “Having a genuine Archer on our side naturally calls for some drastic revisions of our battle plans.”

“Don’t bother me none,” Ajax shrugged. “Just wanted ta let you know I was ready to earn my keep. Take yer time. Seen too many wars messed up ‘cause nobody bothered to do any plannin’! If ya don’t mind, though, think I’ll take me a little nap. Jes’ holler when ya want some shootin’ done.”

“Ah … go ahead, Ajax,” I agreed.

Without further conversation, Ajax plopped down and pulled his cloak a bit closer about him. Within a few minutes, he was snoring lightly, but I noticed his bow was still in his grip.

“Now there’s a seasoned soldier,” Aahz observed. “Gets his sleep when and where he can.”

“You want me to do a little scouting, boss?” Gus asked.

“Um …” I hesitated, glancing quickly at Aahz. Aahz caught my look and gave a small nod. “Sure, Gus,” I finished. “We’ll wait for you here.”

“I’ll scout in the other direction,” Brockhurst volunteered.

“Okay,” I nodded. “Aahz, can you give ‘em a quick briefing?”

I was trying to drop the load in Aahz’s lap, but he joined the conversation as smoothly as if we had rehearsed it this way.

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Categories: Asprin, Robert