Company Wars 01 – Downbelow Station by C.J. Cherryh

over with us… you and your captains?”

Mazian stood still a moment. Signy stood between him and Keu, Kreshov on the

other side, surveying faces. Not the full council, not by half. “We don’t take

that much of your time,” Mazian said. “You asked us here, so we’re here.”

No one had moved, not to sit, not to shift position.

“We’d like an explanation,” Konstantin said, “of this—operation.”

“Martial law,” Mazian said, “for the duration of the emergency. And questions…

direct questions, Mr. Konstantin, regarding agreements you may have made with

certain Company apents. Understandings… with Union, and the flow of classified

information to Union intelligence. Treason, Mr. Konstantin.”

Blood left faces all about the room.

“No such understandings,” Konstantin said. “No such understandings exist,

captain. This station is neutral. We are a Company station, but we do not permit

ourselves to be drawn into military action, or used as a base.”

“And this… militia… you have scattered about you?”

“Sometimes neutrality needs reinforcement, captain. Captain Mallory herself

warned us of random refugee flights.”

“You claim ignorance that information… was handed to Union by civilian Company

agents. You aren’t party to any agreements, arrangements, or concessions which

those agents may have made with the enemy?”

There was a moment of heavy silence. “We know of no such agreements. If there

were any agreements to be made, Pell was not informed of them; and if we had

been we would have discouraged them.”

“You’re informed now,” Mazian said. “Information was passed, including code

words and signals which jeopardize the security of this station. You’ve been

handed to Union, stationmaster, by the Company. Earth is folding up its

interests out here. You’re one. We’re another. We don’t accept such a situation.

Because of what’s already been turned over, other stations have been lost.

You’re the border. With what forces we have, Pell is both necessary to us and

tenable. Do you understand me?”

“You’ll have every cooperation,” Konstantin said.

“Access to your records. Every security problem should be weeded out and set

under quarantine.”

Konstantin’s eyes shifted to Signy and back again. “We’ve followed all your

procedures as outlined by captain Mallory. Meticulously.”

“There’ll be no section of this station, no record, no machine, no apartment, if

need be, where my people don’t have instant access. I would prefer to withdraw

most of my forces and leave yours in charge, if we can have this clearly

understood: that if there are security problems, if there are leaks, if a ship

bolts from pattern out there, or if order breaks down in any particular, we have

our own procedures, and they involve shooting. Is that clear?”

“It is,” Konstantin said, “abundantly clear.”

“My people will come and go at will, Mr. Konstantin, and they’ll shoot if they

judge it necessary; and if we have to come in shooting to clear the way for one

of ours, we will, every man and woman in the Fleet. But that won’t happen. Your

own security will see to it—or your security with the help of ours. You tell me

which way.”

Konstantin’s jaw clenched. “So we are plain on both sides, Captain Mazian, we

recognize your obligation to protect your forces and to protect this station. We

will cooperate; we will expect cooperation from you. When I send a message

hereafter, it goes through.”

“Absolutely,” Mazian said easily. He looked to right and left of him, moved

finally, walked a space toward the doors while Signy and the others still faced

council. “Captain Keu.” he said, “you may discuss matters further with council.

Captain Mallory, take the operations center. Captain Kreshov, check through

security records and procedures.”

“I’ll want someone knowlegeable,” Kreshov said.

“The security director will assist you,” Konstantin said. “I’ll call that order


“I also,” Signy said, glancing at a familiar face at the central table, the

younger Konstantin. The young man’s expression altered at that look, and the

young woman by him reached a hand to his.

“Captain,” he said.

“Damon Konstantin… yourself, if you will. You can be of help.”

Mazian left, taking a few of the escort with him, for a general tour of the

area, or more than likely, further operations, the taking of other sections,

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Categories: Cherryh, C.J