Company Wars 01 – Downbelow Station by C.J. Cherryh

showed them the familiar area of their recent operations, which by stripping

away vital personnel and leaving chaos on the stations left one lone untampered

station like the narrowing of a funnel toward Pell, toward the wide straggle of

Hinder Stars. One station. Viking. Signy had figured the pattern long since, the

tactic old as Earth, old as war, impossible for Union to resist, for they could

not allow vacuum in power, could not allow the stations they had struggled to

gain to fall into disorder, plundered of technicians and directors and security

forces, deliberately allowed to collapse. Union had started this game of

station-taking. So they had rammed stations down Union’s throat; Union had then

to move in or have stations lost, had to supply techs and other skilled

personnel, to replace the ones evacuated. And ships to guard them, quickly, one

after the other. Union had had to stretch even its monster capacity to hold what

it had been given to digest.

It had had to take Viking whole, with all the internal complications of a

station never evacuated… take it latest, because by ramming stations down

Union’s gullet in their own rapid sequence, they had dictated the sequence and

direction of Union’s moves of ships and personnel.

Viking had been last.

Central to the others, with desolation about it, stations struggling to survive.

“All indication is,” Mazian said softly, “that they have decided to fortify

Viking; logical choice: Viking’s the only one with its comp files complete, the

only one where they’ve had a chance to round up all the dissidents, all the

resistance, where they could apply their police tactics and card everyone,

instantly. Now it’s all clean, all sanitary for their base of operations; we’ve

let them throw a lot into it; we take out Viking, and hit at the others, that

are hanging by a thread in terms of viability… and then there’s nothing but far

waste between us and Fargone; between Pell and Union. We make expansion

inconvenient, costly; we herd the beast to its wider pastures in the other

direction… while we can. You have your specific instructions in the folders. The

fine details may have to be improvised within certain limits, according to what

might turn up in your sectors. Norway, Libya, India, unit one; Europe, Tibet,

Pacific, two; North Pole, Atlantic, Africa, three; Australia has its own

business. If we’re lucky we won’t face anything at our rear, but every

contingency is covered. This is going to be a long session; that’s why I let you

rest. We’ll simulate until there are no more questions.”

Signy drew a slow breath and released it, opened the folder and in the silence

Mazian afforded them to do so, scanned the operation as it was set up, her lips

pressed to a thinner and thinner line. No need for drill: they knew what they

were about, variations on old themes they had all run separately. But this was

navigation that would try all their skill, a mass strike, a precision of arrival

not synched, but separate, disaster if jumpships came near each other, if an

object of mass like the enemy just happened to be in the vicinity. They were

going to flash in close enough to Viking to give the opposition no options, skin

the hair off disaster. The presence of any enemy ship where it statistically

ought not to be, the deployment of ships out from station in unusual

configurations… all manner of contingencies. They took into account too the

positions of worlds and satellites in the system on their arrival date, to

screen themselves where possible. To flash out of jump space with nerves still

sluggish, to haul dazed minds into action and try to plot instantly the location

of friend and enemy, to coordinate an attack so precisely that some of them were

going to overjump Viking and some underjump it, come in from all sides at once,

from the same start—

They had one advantage over Union’s sleek, new ships, the fine equipment, the

unscarred young crews, tape-trained, deeptaught with all the answers. The Fleet

had experience, could move their patched ships with a precision Union’s fine

equipment had not yet matched, with nerve Union conservatism and adherence to

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Categories: Cherryh, C.J