Company Wars 01 – Downbelow Station by C.J. Cherryh

answer the query. Let Emilio figure it a military order which silenced station


On the screens the scan showed ominous lack of activity. They were sitting out

there. Waiting. He paced the circuit of the room again, looked up abruptly as

the door opened. Every tech in the room froze, duties forgotten, hands in

mid-motion at the sight of the group which appeared there, civilian, with rifles

leveled, with others at their backs.

Jessad, two of Kale’s men, and a bloodied security agent, one of their own.

“Area’s secure,” Jessad reported.

“Sir.” A director rose from his post. “Councillor Lukas—what’s happening?”

“Set that man down,” Jessad snapped, and the director gripped the back of his

chair and cast Jon a look of diminishing hope.

“Angelo Konstantin is dead,” Jon said, scanning all the frightened faces.

“Killed in the rioting, with all his staff. Assassins hit the offices. Get to

your work. We’re not clear of this yet.”

Faces turned, backs turned, techs trying to make themselves invisible by their

efficiency. No one spoke. He was heartened by this obedience. He paced the room

another circuit, stopped in the middle of it.

“Keep working and listen to me,” he said in a loud voice. “Lukas Company

personnel are holding this sector secure. Elsewhere we have the kind of

situation you see on the screens. We’re going to restore com, for announcement

from this center only, and only announcements I clear. There is no authority on

this station at the moment but Lukas Company, and to save this station from

damage I will shoot those I have to. I have men under my command who will do

that without hesitation. Is that clear?”

There were no comments, not so much as the turning of a head. It was perhaps

something with which they were in temporary agreement, with Pell’s systems in

precarious balance and Q rioting on the docks.

He drew a calmer breath and looked at Jessad, who nodded a reassuring



The webbery of ladders stretched before and behind, a maze of tubes across the

overhead, and it was bitterly cold. Damon shone the beam one way and the other,

reached for a railing, sank down on the gridwork as Josh sank down by him, the

breather-sounds loud, strained. His head pounded. Not enough air, not fast

enough for exertion; and the maze they were in… branched. There was logic to it:

the angles were precise; it was a matter of counting. He tried to keep track.

“Are we lost?” Josh asked between gasps.

He shook his head, angled the beam up, the way they should go. Mad to have tried

this, but they were alive, in one piece. “Next level,” he said, “ought to be

two. I figure… we go out… take a look, how things are out there…”

Josh nodded. G flux had stopped. They still heard noise, unsure in this maze

where it came from. Distant shouts. Once a booming shock he thought might be the

great seals. It seemed better; he hoped… moved, with a clattering ringing of the

metal, reached for the rail again and started to climb, the last climb. He was

overwhelmingly anxious, for Elene, for everything he had cut himself off from in

coming this way… No matter the hazard, he had to get out.

There was a static sputter. It boomed through the tunnels and echoed.

“Com,” he said. It was coming back together, all of it.

“This is a general announcement. We are approaching G stabilization. We ask that

all citizens keep to their present areas and do not attempt to cross section

lines. There is still no word from the Fleet, and none is expected yet. Scan

remains clear. We do not anticipate military action in the vicinity of this

station… It is with extreme sorrow that we report the death of Angelo Konstantin

at the hand of rioters and the disappearance in violence of other members of the

family. If any have reached safety, please contract station central as soon as

possible, any Konstantin relative, or any knowing their whereabouts, please

contact station central immediately. Councillor Jon Lukas remains acting

stationmaster in this crisis. Please give full cooperation to Lukas Company

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Categories: Cherryh, C.J