Company Wars 01 – Downbelow Station by C.J. Cherryh

All but a very few lights in the corridors had been broken out, so that

everything was twilight, and station no longer dimmed lights for

mainday/alterday shifts; it would have become dangerously dark. There were some

side corridors where all the lights were out, and no one went into those lairs

unless he belonged there—or was dragged screaming into them. There were gangs,

who fought each other for power. The weaker souls clung to them, paid them all

their resources, not to be harmed, and perhaps to have the chance to harm

others. Some of the gangs had started in Q. Some were Pell gangs which formed in

defense and undertook other business ventures. He feared them indiscriminately,

feared their unreasoning violence most of all. He had let his beard grow, let

his hair grow, walked with a slouch and acquired as much dirt as possible,

changed his face subtly with cosmetic… that commodity sold high on the market

too. If there was any comedy in this grim place it was that most of these folk

hereabouts were doing exactly the same thing, that the section was full of men

and women who desperately did not want to be recognized, and who avoided each

others’ eyes in a perpetual flinching as they walked the halls… some who

swaggered and tried to threaten, unless troops were at hand… more who flitted

like downcast ghosts, scurrying along in evident hope no one would set a hue and

cry after them.

Perhaps he had changed so much in appearance that no one did recognize him. No

one had yet pointed a finger at him or at Damon in public. There was some

loyalty left on Pell, perhaps—or their involvement with the market protected

them, or others who knew them were just too frightened to start something. Some

of the gangs were linked into the market.

Occasional troopers walked in the halls, some back in nine two, no less common

than Downers about their business. Green dock was still open as far as the end

of white dock; and Africa and occasionally Atlantic or Pacific occupied the

first two berths of green, while the other ships berthed in blue dock, and

troops came and went freely through the personnel access beside the section

seals on that end of green. Troops entered green and white on liberty or on

duty, mingling with the condemned… and the condemned knowing that all they had

to do to escape was to go up to those troops or to the cleared-area access doors

and turn themselves in. Some did not believe that the Mazianni would decompress

the section, simply because of that close and almost friendly association.

Troopers shed their armor on liberty, walked about laughing and human, hung out

in the bars… staked out a couple of establishments for themselves, it was true…

but mingled in other bars, turned an occasional benevolent smile on the market.

So much the easier to handle the victims until it came, Josh reckoned. They

still had choices left, played the game with the troops, dodged and struggled…

but all it took was a button pushed somewhere in central, no personal contact,

no watching faces as they died. All clinical and distant.

He and Damon planned, wild and futile schemes. Damon’s brother was rumored to be

alive. They talked of stowing away on one of the shuttles, taking one over,

getting to Downbelow and into the bush. They had as likely a chance of stealing

a shuttle from armed troops as they did of walking to Downbelow, but the

planning occupied their minds and gave them hope.

And more realistic… they could try to pass the seals into the cleared sections,

and chance the alarm-rigged access doors, regimented security, checkpoints at

every corner and card use at every move… that was the way of life over there.

Mallory’s doing. They had been checking it out. Too many men-with-guns, was

Bluetooth’s warning. Cold they eyes.

Cold indeed.

And meanwhile there was the market and there was Ngo’s.

He approached the bar along green nine, not by the tunnel ways which led to the

corridor outside Ngo’s back door, for that was for emergencies and Ngo had no

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Categories: Cherryh, C.J