Company Wars 01 – Downbelow Station by C.J. Cherryh

need to be brought current with the keys. Every facility on Downbelow can be

expanded, yes. I still have the detailed plans. I’ll have a cost and labor

analysis available within a matter of days.”

Angelo nodded, looked at him, frowning. It could not be a pleasant moment for


“We’re fighting for our survival.” Angelo said. “Plainly, there’s a point where

we seriously have to worry about our life-support systems. Some of the load has

to be moved. Nor can we allow the ratio of Pell citizens to refugees to become

unbalanced. We have to be concerned about riot… there and here. Apologies, Mr.

Kressich. These are the realities under which we live, not of our choosing, nor,

I’m sure, of yours. We can’t risk the station or the base on Downbelow; or we

find ourselves all on freighters bound for Earth, stripped of everything. That

is the third choice.”

“No,” the murmur went around the room.

Jon sat down, silent, staring at Angelo, reckoning Pell’s present fragile

balance and odds as they existed. You’ve lost already, he thought of saying, of

standing up in council and laying things out as they were. He did not. He sat

with his mouth tightly closed. It was a matter of time. Peace… might afford a

chance. But that was far from what was shaping out there with this influx of

refugees from all these stations. They had all the Beyond flowing in two

directions like a watershed, toward themselves and toward Union; and they were

not equipped to handle it under Angelo’s kind of rules.

Year upon year of Konstantin rule, Konstantin social theory, the vaunted

“community of law” which disdained security and monitoring and now refused to

use the clenched fist on Q, hoping that vocal appeals were going to win a mob

over to order. He could bring that matter up too. He sat still.

There was a bad taste in his mouth, reckoning that what chaos Konstantin

leniency had wrought on the station it would manage to wreak on Downbelow too.

He foresaw no success for the plans he was asked for: Emilio Konstantin and his

wife would be in charge of the work, two of a kind, who would let the Downers

take their own time about schedules and protect their superstitions and let them

do things their own leisurely, lackadaisical way, which ended with equipment

damaged and construction delayed. And what that pair would do with what was over

in Q offered worse prospects.

He sat still, estimating their chances, and drawing unhappy conclusions.


“It can’t survive,” he said to Vittorio that night, to his son Vittorio and to

Dayin Jacoby, the only relative he favored. He leaned back in his chair and

drank bitter Downer wine, in his apartment which was piled with the stacked

expensive furniture which had been in the other, severed, rooms. “Pell’s falling

apart under us. Angelo’s soft-handed policies are going to lose it for us, and

maybe get our throats cut in riot into the bargain. It’s going, you understand

me? And do we sit and take what comes?”

Vittorio looked suddenly whey-faced as his habit was when talk turned serious.

Dayin was of another sort. He sat grim and thoughtful.

“A contact,” Jon said yet more plainly, “has to exist.”

Dayin nodded. “In times like these, two doors might be a sensible necessity. And

I’m sure doors exist all over this station… with the right keys.”

“How compromised… do you reckon those doors are? And where? Your cousin’s

handled cases of some of our transients. You have any ideas?”

“Black market in rejuv drugs and others. That’s in full flower here, don’t you

know? Konstantin himself gets it; you got it on Downbelow.”

“It’s legal.”

“Of course it’s legal; it’s necessary. But how does it get here? Ultimately it

comes from Unionside; merchanters deal; it comes through. Someone, somewhere, is

into the pipeline… merchanters… maybe even station-side contacts.”

“So how do we get one to get a contact back up the pipeline?”

“I can learn.”

“I know one,” Vittorio said, startling them both. He licked his lips, swallowed

heavily. “Roseen.”

“That whore of yours?”

“She knows the market. There’s a security officer… high up. Clean paper all the

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Categories: Cherryh, C.J