Company Wars 01 – Downbelow Station by C.J. Cherryh

thought came to her that they might be crushed unnoticed by the great power

which humans endured; that perhaps humans had forgotten them here in the deep

dark of the ship. But no, Downers came and went; hisa survived this great force,

and flew, and saw all the wonders which inhabited the Upabove, walked where they

might look down on the stars and looked into the face of great Sun, filled their

eyes with good things.

This waited for them. It was now the spring, and the heat had begun in her and

in him; and she had chosen the Journey she would make, longer than all journeys,

and the high place higher than all high places, where she would spend her first


The pressure eased; they still held to each other, still feeling motion. It was

a very far flight, they had been warned so; they must not loose themselves until

a man came and told them. The Konstantin had told them what to do and they would

surely be safe. Satin felt so with a faith which increased as the force grew

less and she knew that they had lived. They were on their way. They flew.

She clutched the shell which Konstantin had given her, the gift which marked

this Time for her, and about her was the red cloth which was her special

treasure, the best thing, the honor that Bennett himself had given her a name.

She felt the more secure for these things, and for Bluetooth, for whom she felt

an increasing fondness, true affection, not the springtime heat of mating. He

was not the biggest and far from the handsomest, but he was clever and


Not wholly. He dug in one of the pouches he carried, brought out a small bit of

twig, on which the buds had burst… moved his breather to smell it, offered it to

her. It brought with them the world, the riverside, and promises.

She felt a flood of heat which turned her sweating despite the chill. It was

unnatural, being so close to him and not having the freedom of the land, places

to run, the restlessness which would lead her further and further into the

lonely lands where only the images stood. They were traveling, in a strange and

different way, in a way that great Sun looked down upon all the same, and so she

needed do nothing. She accepted Bluetooth’s attentions, nervously at first, and

then with increasing easiness, for it was right The games they would have played

on the face of the land, until he was the last male determined enough to follow

where she led… were not needed. He was the one who had come farthest, and he was

here, and it was very right

The motion of the ship changed; they held each other a moment in fear, but this

men had warned them of, and they had heard that there was a time of great

strangeness. They laughed, and joined, and ceased, giddy and delirious. They

marveled at the bit of blossoming twig which floated by them in the air, which

moved when they batted at it by turns. She reached carefully and plucked it from

the air, and laughed again, letting it free.

“This is where Sun lives,” Bluetooth surmised. She thought that it must be so,

imagined Sun drifting majestically through the light of his power, and

themselves swimming in it, toward the Upabove, the metal home of humans, which

held out arms for them. They joined, and joined again, in spasms of joy.

After long and long came another change, little stresses at the bindings, very

gentle, and by and by they began to feel heavy again.

“We are coming down,” Satin thought aloud. But they stayed quiet, remembering

what they had been told, that they must wait on a man to tell them it was safe.

And there was a series of jolts and terrible noises, so that their arms clenched

about each other; but the ground was solid under them now. The speaker overhead

rang with human voices giving instructions and none of them sounded frightened,

rather as humans usually sounded, in a hurry and humorless. “I think we are all

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Categories: Cherryh, C.J