Company Wars 01 – Downbelow Station by C.J. Cherryh

of Earth?”


“You, your brother, Elene and Miliko—think about it, will you?”

“No,” Damon said. “Pull out and run? You think that’s what it’s coming to?”

“Figure the odds, Damon. We didn’t get help from Earth, just observers. They’re

figuring on cutting their losses, not sending us reinforcements or ships. No.

We’re just settling lower and lower. Mazian can’t hold forever. The shipyards at

Mariner… were vital. It’s Viking soon; and whatever else Union reaches out to

take. Union’s cutting the Fleet off from supply; Earth already has. We’re out of

everything but room to run.”

“The Hinder Stars—you know there’s some talk about reopening one of those


“A dream. We’d never have the chance. If the Fleet goes… Union would make it a

target, same as us, just as quickly. And selfishly, completely selfishly, I’d

like to see my children out of here.”

Damon’s face was very white. “No. Absolutely no.”

“Don’t be noble. I’d rather your safety than your help. Konstantins won’t fare

well in years to come. It’s mindwipe if they take us. You worry about your

criminals; consider yourself and Elene. That’s Union’s solution… puppets in the

offices; lab-born populations to fill up the world… they’ll plow up Downbelow

and build. Heaven help the Downers, I’d cooperate with them… so would you… to

keep Pell safe from the worst excesses; but they won’t have things that easy

way. And I don’t want to see you in their hands. We’re targets. I’ve lived all

my life in that condition. Surely it’s not asking too much that I do one selfish

thing—that I save my sons.”

“What did Emilio say?”

“Emilio and I are still discussing it.”

“He told you no. Well, so do I.”

“Your mother will have a word with you.”

“Are you sending her?”

Angelo frowned. “You know that’s not possible.”

“So. I know that. And I’m not going, and I don’t think Emilio will choose to

either. My blessing to him if he does, but I’m not.”

“Then you don’t know anything,” Angelo said shortly. “We’ll talk about it


“We won’t,” Damon said. “If we pulled out, panic would set in here. You know

that. You know how it would look, besides that I won’t do it in the first


It was true; he knew that it was.

“No,” Damon said again, and laid his hand atop his father’s, rose and left.

Angelo sat, looked toward the wall, toward the portraits which stood on the

shelf, a succession of tridee figures… Alicia before her accident; young Alicia

and himself; a succession of Damons and Emilios from infancy to manhood, to

wives and hopes of grandchildren. He looked at all the figures assembled there,

at all the gathered ages of them, and reckoned that the good days hereafter

would be fewer.

After a fashion he was angry with his boys; and after another… proud. He had

brought them up what they were.

Emilio, he wrote to the succession of images, and the son on Downbelow, your

brother sends his love. Send me what skilled Downers you can spare. I’m sending

you a thousand volunteers from the station; go ahead with the new base if they

have to backpack equipment in. Appeal to the Downers for help, trade for native

foodstuffs. All love.

And to security: Process out the assuredly nonviolent. We’re going to shift them

to Downbelow as volunteers.

He reckoned, even as he did it, where that led; the worst would stay on station,

next the heart and brain of Pell. Transfer the outlaws down and keep the heel on

them; some kept urging it. But fragile agreements with the natives, fragile

self-respect for the techs who had been persuaded to go down there in the mud

and the primitive conditions… it could not be turned into a penal colony. It was

life. It was the body of Pell, and he refused to violate it, to ruin all the

dreams they had had for its future.

There were dark hours when he thought of arranging an accident in which all of Q

might decompress. It was an unspeakable idea, a madman’s solution, to kill

thousands of innocent along with the undesirables… to take in these shiploads

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Categories: Cherryh, C.J