Company Wars 01 – Downbelow Station by C.J. Cherryh

“We do not recognize your organization.”

“That,” Damon interrupted, “rests with Union council. Pell recognizes their

organization. And Pell is independent, captain, willing to afford you a port at

the moment; but with means to deny it. I would hate to take that decision. We

have a mutual enemy… but you would be tied up here, in long unpleasantness. And

it might spread.”

There were, from the other side of the table—set up on the open dock and ringed

by opposing semicircles of merchanters and troops—frowns. “It’s in our

interest,” Azov admitted, “to see that this station doesn’t become a base for

Mazianni operation; and that we cooperate in your protection… without which—you

don’t stand great chance, for all your threats, Mr. Konstantin.”

“Mutual necessity,” Damon said levelly. “Rest assured that none of Mazian’s

ships will ever be welcome at Pell. They are outlaws.”

“We have done you a service,” Elene said. “Merchanter ships have already headed

for Sol far in advance of Mazian. One early enough to get there ahead of him;

not much, but a little. Sol Station will be warned before he arrives.”

Azov’s face relaxed in surprise. That of the man beside him, delegate Ayres,

froze, took on a sudden smile, with the glistening of tears in his eyes. “My

gratitude,” Ayres said. “—Captain Azov, I’d propose… close consultation and

quick moves.”

“There seems reason for it,” Azov said. He pushed back from the table. “The

station is secure. Our business is finished. Hours are valuable. If Sol is going

to prepare a reception for this outlaw, we should be there to follow it up from


“Pell,” Damon said quietly, “will gladly assist your undocking. But the

merchanter ships you’ve appropriated… stay.”

“We have crew aboard them. They come.”

“Take your crew. Those ships are merchanter property and they remain. So does

Josh Talley. He’s a citizen of Pell.”

“No,” Azov said. “I don’t leave one of my own at your asking.”

“Josh,” Damon said, looking to the side and behind him, where Josh stood with

other Union troops, at last inconspicuous among others likewise perfect. “How do

you feel about it?”

Josh’s eyes slid past him, perhaps to Azov, returned to a forward stare. He said


“Take your troops and your ships,” Damon said to Azov. “If Josh stays, that’s

his choice. Take Union presence off this station. You’ll be received for docking

hereafter by request and by permission of the stationmaster’s office; it will be

granted. But if time is of value to you, I’d suggest you take that offer and

agree to it.”

Azov scowled. He signaled his troop officer, who ordered the units to form up.

They walked away, headed for the upcurving horizon, for blue dock, where Unity

was berthed.

And Josh was still standing there, alone. Elene got up and hugged him awkwardly

and Damon clapped him on the shoulder. “Stay put here,” he said to Elene. “I’ve

got a Union ship to get undocked. Josh, come on.”

“Neiharts,” Elene said to those nearest her. “See that they reach central in

good order.”

They went behind the Union forces; took the niner corridor as the Unioners

headed for their ship, started to run. In the corridors there were doors open,

the folk of Pell standing there to observe. Some began to shout, to wave, cheers

for this last, merchanters’ occupation. “They’re ours,” someone yelled. “They’re


They took the emergency ramp, came upward at a run; Downers met them in it,

scampered along, bounced and bounded and chattered welcomes. The whole spiral

echoed with Downer shrieks and squeals and human yells from the corridors

outside as the word spread from level to level. A few Unioners passed on the way

down, headed out at instructions over helmet com, likely feeling very

conspicuous where they were.

They came out in blue one. Downers were back in occupation of central, and

grinned welcome at them through the wide-open doors.

“You friends,” Bluetooth said. “You friends, all?”

“It’s all right,” Damon assured him, and worked his way past a crowd of anxious

brown bodies to settle himself at the main board. He looked back, at Josh, at

the merchanters. “Anyone here who knows this kind of comp?”

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Categories: Cherryh, C.J