Company Wars 01 – Downbelow Station by C.J. Cherryh

agent. It was farce, a too elaborate result of his intrigue with Jacoby. He had

sent out a tentative feeler and someone had raised the stakes in the game to a

ridiculous level.

Union ships were coming. Were very close, that they would take the enormous

chance of sending in someone like Jessad. He resumed his seat at his desk,

holding the drink, sipped at it, trying to pull his thoughts into coherency. The

proposed deception of comp could not go on. He reckoned the life of the

Jessad/Vittorio charade in days, and if something went wrong he would be the one

quickest caught, not Jessad, who was not in comp. Jessad was expendable in Union

plans, perhaps, but he was more so.

He drank, trying to think.

Seized up paper with sudden inspiration, more forms, started the call-up

procedure for a short-hauler. There were crews in Lukas employ who would not

talk, like Sheba, men who would take a ship out and carry a ghost aboard,

falsify manifests, falsify crew or passenger listings… the tracing of the black

market routes had turned up all manner of interesting data that some captains

did not want known. So this afternoon another ship would go out to the mines,

and Vittorio’s comp number could be changed into the station log.

A little ripple, a ship moving; no one paid attention to short-haulers. Out to

the mines and back again, a ship incapable of threatening security because it

lacked speed and star capacity and weapons. He might still have some questions

to answer from Angelo, but he knew all the right answers to give. He transmitted

the order to comp, watched in satisfaction as comp swallowed the order and sent

out notification to Lukas Company that any ship moving had to carry some station

items to the mines free-freighted. Ordinarily he would have kicked hard at the

size of the assessment for free transport; it was outrageous. He keyed back at

it: Accepted ¼ station lading; will depart 1700md.

Comp took it. He leaned back with a great sigh of relief, his heart settling

down to a more reasonable rhythm. Personnel was an easy matter; he knew his

better men.

He set to work again, pulling names from comp, choosing the crew, a merchanter

family long in Lukas’s pay. “Send the Kulins in the moment they hit the office,”

he told his secretary over the com. “There’s a commission waiting for them. Make

it out and hurry about it. Scramble together anything we’ve meant to freight

out, and get it going; then get an extra dock crew to make a pickup from station

lading for free-freighting, no quarrels, take whatever they’re given and get

back here. You make sure those papers are flawless and that there’s no snag…

absolutely no snag… in comp entries. You understand me?”

“Yes, sir,” the answer came back. And a moment later: “Contact made with the

Kulins. They’re on their way and thank you for the commission, sir.”

Annie was convenient, a ship comfortable enough for a prolonged tour of Lukas

mine interests. Small enough for obscurity. He had taken such tours in his

youth, learning the business. So Vittorio might. He sipped at his drink and

thumbed the papers on his desk, fretting.


Pell: Central Cylinder; 9/9/52; 1200 hrs.

Josh sank down to the matting, sat, collapsed backward, in the gym’s reduced G.

Damon leaned over him, hands on bare knees, the suspicion of amusement on his


“I’m done,” Josh said when he had a breath; his sides hurt. I’d exercised, but

not this much.“

Damon sank to his knees by him on the mat, hunched and himself hard-breathing.

“Doing all right, anyhow. I’m ready to call it.” He sucked air and let out a

slower breath, grinned at him. “Need help?”

Josh grunted and rolled over, heaved himself up on one arm, gathered himself

gracelessly to his feet, shaking in every muscle and conscious of the men and

women in better form who passed them on the steep track which belted all Pell’s

inner core. It was a crowded place, echoing with shouted conversation. It was

freedom, and the worst there was to fear here was a little laughter. He would

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Categories: Cherryh, C.J