Company Wars 01 – Downbelow Station by C.J. Cherryh

They were not the only refugees adrift; they were simply the first. And upon

that knowledge she kept her mouth shut.

It was Dinah that broke the peace; a man caught with weapons in scan, a friend

who turned ugly on his arrest: two dead, then, and sobbing, hysterical

passengers afterward. Signy watched it, simply tired, shook her head and ordered

the bodies vented with the rest, while Konstantin approached her with angry

arguments. “Martial law,” she said, ending all discussion, and walk away.

Sita, Pearl, Little Bear, Winifred. They came in with agonizing slowness,

unloaded refugees and property, and the processing inches its way along.

Signy left the dock then, went back aboard Norway and took a bath. She scrubbed

three times all over before she began to feel that the smell and the sights had

left her.

Station had entered alterday; complaints and demands had fallen silent at least

for a few hours.

Or if there were any, Norway’s alterday command fended them off her.

There was comfort for the night, company of sorts, a leave-taking. He was

another item of salvage from Russell’s and Mariner… not for transport on the

other ships. They would have torn him apart. He knew this, and appreciated

matters. He had no taste for the crew either, and understood his situation.

“You’re getting off here,” she told him, staring at him, who lay beside her. The

name did not matter. It confused itself in her memory with others, and sometimes

she called him hy the wrong one, late, when she was half asleep. He showed no

emotion at that statement, only blinked, indication that he had absorbed the

fact. The face intrigued her: innocence, perhaps. Contrasts intrigued her.

Beauty did. “You’re lucky,” she said. He reacted to that the same way, as he

reacted to most things. He simply stared, vacant and beautiful; they had played

with his mind on Russell’s. There was a sordidness in her sometimes, a need to

deal wounds… limited murder, to blot out the greater ones. To deal little

terrors, to forget the horror outside. She had sometime nights with Graff, with

Di, with whoever took her fancy. She never showed this face to those she valued,

to friends, to crew. Only sometimes there were voyages like this one, when her

mood was black. It was a common disease, in the Fleet, in the sealed worlds of

ships without discharge, among those in absolute power. “Do you care?” she

asked; he did not, and that was, perhaps, his survival.

Norway remained, her troops visibly on duty on the dock-side, the last ship

berthed in quarantine. On the dock, the lights were still at bright noon, over

lines which moved only slowly, under the presence of the guns.

Chapter Three

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Pell: 5/2a*/52


Too many sights, too much of such things. Damon Konstantin took a cup of coffee

from one of the aid workers who passed the desk and leaned on his arm, stared

out across the docks and tried to rub the ache from his eyes. The coffee tasted

of disinfectant, as everything here smelled of it, as it was in their pores,

their noses, everywhere. The troops stayed on guard, keeping this little area of

the dock safe. Someone had been knifed in Barracks A. No one could explain the

weapon. They thought that it had come from the kitchen of one of the abandoned

restaurants on dockside, a piece of cutlery unthinkingly left behind, by someone

who had never realized the situation. He found himself exhausted beyond sense.

He had no answers; station police could not find the offender, in the lines of

refugees which still wended their way out there across the docks, inching along

to housing desks.

A touch descended on his shoulder. He turned an aching neck, blinked up at his

brother. Emilio settled in the vacant chair next to him, hand still on his

shoulder. Elder brother. Emilio was in alterday central command. It -was

alterday now, Damon realized muzzily. The wake-sleep worlds in which they two

seldom met on duty had gotten lapped in the confusion.

“Go home,” Emilio said gently. “My turn, if one of us has to be here. I promised

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Categories: Cherryh, C.J