Company Wars 01 – Downbelow Station by C.J. Cherryh

for wanting to. And you came close. You understand that? The worst thing you can

do is give them a pretext. Josh, it was Mallory’s order that got you out of

detention. I asked it. She did it a second time back there… as a favor. Don’t

depend on a third.”

He nodded, shaken.

“Have you eaten today?”

He considered, confused, finally thought back to the sandwich, realized that at

least part of his malaise was lack of food. “Missed supper,” he said.

“I’ll get you some clothes of mine that will fit. Wash up, relax. We’ll go back

to your apartment tomorrow morning and get whatever you need.”

“How long am I going to stay here?” he asked, turning his head to look at Elene

and back at Damon. It was a small place. He was aware of the inconvenience. “I

can’t move in on you.”

“You stay here until it’s safe,” Damon said. “If we have to make further

arrangements, we will. In the meantime I’m going to do some review on your

papers or whatever excuse I can contrive that will excuse your spending the next

few working days in my office.”

“I don’t go back to the shop?”

“When this is settled. Meanwhile we’re not going to let you out of our sight. We

make it clear they’ll have to create a major incident to touch you. I’ll put my

father onto it too, so that no one in either office gets caught by a surprise

request. Just, please, don’t provoke anything.”

“No,” he agreed. Damon gave a jerk of his head back toward the hall. He rose and

went with Damon, and Damon searched an armload of clothing out of the lockers

outside the bath. He went into the bath, bathed and felt better, clean of the

memory of the detention cell, wrapped himself in the soft robe Damon had lent

him, and came out to the aroma of supper cooking.

They ate, crowded at the table, exchanged what they had seen in their separate

sections. He could talk without anxiousness finally, now that the nightmare was

on him, and he was no longer alone in it.

He chose the far corner of the kitchen, made himself a pallet on the floor, out

of the amazing abundance of bedding Elene urged on him. We’ll get a cot by

tomorrow, she promised him. At the least, a hammock. He settled down in it,

heard them settle in the living room, and felt safe, believing finally what

Damon had told him… that he was in a refuge even Mazian’s Fleet could not


Chapter Eight

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Downbelow: Africa landing probe, main base 2400 hrs. md.; 1200 hrs. a; local


Emilio leaned back in the chair and stared resolutely at Porey’s scowl, waited,

while the scarred captain made several notes on the printout before him, and

pushed it back across the table at him. Emilio gathered it up, leafed through

the supply request, nodded slowly.

“It may take a little time,” he said.

“At the moment,” said Porey, “I am simply relaying reports and acting on

instructions. You and your staff are not cooperating. Go on with that as long as

you please.”

They sat in the small personnel area of Porey’s ship, flat-decked, never meant

for prolonged space flight. Porey had had his taste of Downbelow air, and of

their domes and the dust and the mud, and retreated to his ship in disgust,

calling him in instead of visiting the main dome. And that would have suited him

well, if it had only taken the troops away as well; it had not. They were still

outside, masked and armed. Q and the residents as well worked the fields under


“I also am receiving instructions,” Emilio said, “and acting on them. The best

that we can do, captain, is to acknowledge that both sides are aware of the

situation, and your reasonable request will be honored. We are both under


A reasonable man might have been placated. Porey was not. He simply scowled.

Perhaps he resented the order which had put him on Downbelow; perhaps it was his

natural expression. Likely he was short of sleep; the short intervals at which

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Categories: Cherryh, C.J