Company Wars 01 – Downbelow Station by C.J. Cherryh

imminent undocking. Norway. He turned and hit that channel while the trooper

stood paralyzed in the confusion. “Norway. Stay put. This is Konstantin. Stay


“Ah, we’re just letting you know, Pell central. Warships might make quite a mess

of those merchanters, armed or not. But they’ll have professional help if they

want it.”

“Repeat,” Elene’s distance-delayed voice came over com. “We’re coming in for

dock. We’ve been monitoring your transmissions. The merchanter’s alliance claims

Pell, and we hold it to be neutral territory. We assume that you will respect

this claim. We suggest immediate negotiation… or every merchanter in this fleet

may well withdraw from Union territory entirely. Earthward. We don’t believe

this would be the first choice of any parties involved.”

There was silence for a very long moment. Azov looked at the screens, on which

blips spread like plague. The merchanter Hammer had ceased to be distinct,

signal obscured by the reddening points.

“We have a basis for discussion,” Azov said.

Damon drew a long, slow breath and let it go.


Pell; Red Dock; 1/9/53; 0530 hrs. md; 1730 hrs. a.

She came, with an escort of armed merchanters, onto the dock. She was pregnant,

and walked slowly, and the merchanters about her took no chances exposing her to

hazard on the wide dock. Damon stood by Josh, on the Union side, as long as he

could bear, and finally risked himself and walked out, not certain whether

either side would let him through to her. Rifles in merchanters’ hands leveled

at him, a nervous ring of threat; and he stopped, alone in that empty space.

But she saw him, and her face lit, and merchanters moved, ordered aside left and

right until their ranks drank him in and he could reach her.

Merchanter, and back with her own, and long off the solid deck of Pell. In the

back of his mind had been doubt, a preparation for changes… that vanished with a

look at her face. He kissed her, held onto her as she did him, afraid of hurting

her she held him so tightly. He stood there with the whole horde of armed

merchanters about them in a glittering haze, and inhaled the scent and the

reality of her, kissed her again and knew that they had no time for talking, for

questions, for anything.

“Took me quite a roundabout to get home,” she murmured.

He laughed madly, softly, looked about him and back at the Union forces, sober

again. “You know what happened here?”

“Some. Most, maybe. We’ve been sitting out there… a long time. Waiting a point

of no choice.” She shivered, tightened her arm about him. “Thought we’d lost it.

Then Mazian did pull out, and we moved, from that moment Union’s got troubles,

Damon. Union’s got to move on to Sol and they’ve got to do it with all their

ships intact.”

“You can bet they do,” he said. “But don’t leave this dock. What’s got to be

said, whatever talking you do with them, insist on doing here, on the dock;

don’t walk into any small space where Azov can get troops between you and your

ships. Don’t trust him.”

She nodded. “Understood. We’re just the edge of it, Damon; I speak for the

merchanter interest. They want a neutral port the way things are going, and

Pell’s it. I don’t think Pell objects.”

“No,” he said. “Pell doesn’t. Pell’s got some housecleaning to do.” He drew his

first whole breath in minutes and followed her glance across the dock at Azov,

at Josh standing with Union troops, expecting approach. “Bring a dozen with you

and keep the rest guarding that access. Let’s see what Azov’s idea of reason


“The release,” Elene said firmly and softly, leaning on the table with one arm,

“—of the ship Hammer to the Olvig family; of Swan’s Eye to its proper owners; of

any other merchanter ship confiscated for use by Union military. The strongest

possible condemnation of the seizure and use of Genevieve. You may protest

you’re not empowered to grant it; but you have the power of military decisions…

on that level, sir, the release of the ships. Or embargo.”

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Categories: Cherryh, C.J