segment of the population. I was rather carefully taking aim at all

the young men, and I think I hit most of them. What a glorious

thing it is to be universally adored! My father’s slightly worried

expression made my morning complete.

‘Don’t let it go to your head, Polgara,’ mother’s voice cautioned me.

‘What you’re seeing on all those vacant faces isn’t love. Young males of

all species have urges that they can’t really control. In their eyes you’re

not a person; you’re an object. You don’t really want to be no more than

a thing, do you?’

The prospect of incipient thinghood put a slight damper on my

enjoyment of the moment.

traditionally, Rivans wear grey clothing. as a matter of fact, the

other western races call them ‘grey-cloaks’. Young people, however,

tend to ignore the customs of their elders. Adolescent rebellion has

been responsible for all manner of absurd costumes. The more

ridiculous a certain fashion is, the more adolescents will cling to it.

The young men crowding the edge of the wharf with yearning

eyes put me in mind of a flower garden planted by someone with

absolutely no sense of taste. There were doublets down there in

hues I didn’t even have names for, and some of those short jackets

were varicolored, and the colors clashed hideously. Each of my

worshipers, however, was absolutely convinced that his clothing

was so splendid that no girl in her right mind could possibly resist


I felt an almost uncontrollable urge to burst out laughing. My

father’s concern about what he felt to be my fragile chastity was

totally inappropriate. I wasn’t going to surrender to some adolescent

whose very appearance sent me off into gales of laughter.

After the sailors had snubbed up the mooring ropes, we

disembarked and started up the stairs that lead from the harbor to Riva’s

Citadel. That series of stair-stepping walls that are part of the city’s

defenses were revealed as a part of the houses in which the Rivans

lived. The houses seemed bleak on the outside, but I’ve since

discovered that the interiors of those houses are places of beauty. In

many ways they are like the Rivans themselves. All the beauty is

on the inside. The streets of Riva are narrow and monotonously

straight. I strongly suspect that Riva had been guided by Belar in

the construction of the city. Everything about it has a defensive


There was a shallow courtyard surrounded by a massive wall at

the top of the stairs. The size of the roughly squared-off stones in

that wall startled me. The amount of sheer physical labor which

had gone into the construction of the city was staggering. We entered

the Citadel through a great iron-bound door, and I found the interior

of my sister’s new home depressingly bleak. It took us quite some

time to reach our quarters. Beldaran and I were temporarily

ensconced in a quite pleasant set of rooms. I say temporarily because

Beldaran would soon be moving into the royal apartment.

‘You’re having fun, aren’t you, Pol?’ My sister asked me once we

were alone. Her voice seemed just a bit wistful, and she spoke in


‘I don’t exactly follow you,’ I replied.

‘Now that you’ve decided to be pretty, you’ve got every young

man you come across fawning all over you.’

‘You’ve always been pretty, beldaran,’ I reminded her.

She sighed a rather sweet little sigh. ‘I know,’ she said, ‘but I

never got the chance to play with it. What’s it like to have everybody

around you dumbstruck with adoration?’

‘I rather like it.’ I laughed. ‘They’re all very foolish, though. If

you’re hungry for adoration, get yourself a puppy.’

She also laughed. ‘I wonder if all young men are as silly as these

Rivans are. I’d sort of hate to be the queen of the idiots.’

‘Mother says that it’s more or less universal,’ I told her, ‘and it’s

not just humans. Wolves are the same way, and so are rabbits. She

says that all young males have what she calls “urges”. The Gods

arranged it that way, I guess – so that there’ll always be a lot of


‘That’s a depressing turn of phrase, Pol. It sort of implies that all

I’m here for is to produce babies.’

‘Mother says that passes after a while. I guess it’s supposed to be

fun, so enjoy it while you can.’

She blushed.

‘Now, if you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll go break a few hearts.’

There was a large hall near the center of the Citadel that seemed

to be where the members of Riva’s court gathered for fun and games.

The throne room was reserved for more formal occasions, and unlike

the rowdy throne room in Val Alorn where the Chereks mixed

business and pleasure, Riva’s Citadel had separate places for

separate activities. The door to the hall was open, and I peeked around

the edge of that door to assess my competition.

Rivan girls, like all Alorns, tend to be blonde, and I saw an

immediate advantage there. My dark hair would make me stand

out in the middle of what appeared to be a wheat field. The young

people in that large room were doing young-people things, flirting,

showing off, and the like. I waited, biding my time until one of those

lulls in the general babble hushed the room. Somehow I instinctively

knew that the hush would eventually come. That was when I’d

make my appearance. Entrances are very important in these


I finally got a little tired of waiting. ‘Make them be still, mother,’ I

pleaded with the presence that had been in my mind since before

I was born.

‘Oh, dear,’ mother sighed.

Then a hush fell over the brightly dressed throng.

I’d considered the notion of some kind of fanfare, but that might

have been just a trifle ostentatious. Instead, I simply stepped into

the precise center of the doorway and stopped, waiting for them all

to notice me. My blue gown was rather nice, so I was sure I’d attract


I think mother – or possibly Aldur – had fallen in with my scheme.

There was a fairly large window high in the wall opposite the door

and after I’d stood in the doorway for a moment, the sun broke

through the clouds which almost perpetually veiled the Isle, and its

light came through the window to fall full upon me.

That was even better than a fanfare. I stood regally in the middle

of that sun-flooded doorway, letting all the eyes in the room feast

themselves on me.

Dear Gods, that was enjoyable!

All right, it was vain and a little silly. So what? I was young.

There was a small group of musicians at the far end of the room

I’d hardly call them an orchestra – and they struck up a tune as I

regally entered the hall. As I’d rather hoped they would, most of

the young men began to move in my general direction, each of them

mentally refining some opening remark that he hoped would get

my attention. You have no idea how strained and inane some of

those remarks were. After about the fourth time someone compared

my eyes to a spring sky, I began to realize that unrestrained

creativity was not exactly rampant among adolescents. It somehow seemed

that I was adrift in a sea of platitudes. I got compared to summer

days, starry nights, and dark, snow-capped peaks – a rather obvious

reference to the white streak in my hair. They swarmed around me

like a flock of sparrows, elbowing each other out of the way. The

Rivan girls began to look a little sulky about the whole business.

A young blond fellow in a green doublet – quite handsome, actually

– pushed his way to the forefront of my suitors and bowed

rather floridly. ‘Ah,’ he said, ‘Lady Polgara, I presume?’ That was a

novel approach. He gave me a rather sly smile. ‘Tedious, isn’t it?

All this empty conversation, I mean. How much time can one really

spend talking about the weather?’

That earned him a few dark looks as a number of my suitors

hastily revised their opening remarks.

‘I’m certain you and I can find something more pleasant to talk

about,’ he continued smoothly, ‘politics, theology, or current fashion,

if you’d like.’ He actually seemed to have a mind.

‘We might want to think about that a bit,’ I countered. ‘What’s

your name?’

He slapped his forehead in feigned chagrin ‘How stupid of me’

he said. ‘How could I possibly have been so absent-minded?’ He

sighed theatrically. ‘It’s a failing of mine, I’m afraid. Sometimes I

think I need a keeper.’ He gave me a sly look. ‘Would you care to

volunteer for the post?’ he offered.

‘You still haven’t told me your name,’ I reminded him, ignoring

his offer.

‘You really shouldn’t let me get sidetracked that way, Lady

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