.,name “Vo Erat” ain’t all that pleasin’ t’ th’ ear.’

‘Let me think my way through this before we make any quick

decisions, Killane,’ I suggested. ‘I’m not entirely sure that I want a


Tis a cruel woman y’ are, Lady-O,’ he accused.

‘I didn’t exactly follow that.’

‘This’d be me one chance t’ design and build an entire city, don’t

y” know, an’ now y’ve gone an’ dashed me hopes. I could build Y’

a palace that’d make th’ emperor of Tolnedra turn green w’ envy.’

‘What on earth do I need with a palace? I know who I am, and I

don’t need some grand display to remind me. But that’s beside the

point. My main concerns are still down in Arendia proper. Those

clever little boys who put me here might prefer to have me get so

involved in things up here that I’ll lose track of what they’re doing,

but that isn’t going to happen. I’m definitely going to keep my house

in Vo Wacune. I want them all to realize that they’re not going to

get out from under my thumb this easily. Let’s move on, Killane. I

want to have a look at Erat before I decide just where to set up


Erat, as it turned out, was totally unsuitable for a seat of

government. North central Sendaria had changed hands so many times

over the centuries that the place was a hodge-podge of run-down

and conflicting architecture. The whole thing would have had to be

leveled and rebuilt to make it at all acceptable. The problem with

that, however, lay in the fact that it was situated on the marshy

north shore of the lake, and no matter what was ultimately erected

there, it was still going to look like some town in the Drasnian fens.

once again I took wing and scouted things from the air. The spot

that ultimately caught my eye was located on the south side of the

lake where a fair-sized river fed that body of water. It was a long,

lushly green meadow that sloped down to the lake-shore with the

river bordering it to the south. The river bank was lined with ancient

white birch trees, and steep, wooded, dark green hills embraced

the meadow on the other two sides. The snow-capped Sendarian

mountains rose above those wooded hills to the east. There were

no villages nor roads in the vicinity, and so everything was fresh

and new, awaiting only my hand to make it perfect. I could view

the sunrise over the mountains and the sunset over the lake. I

immediately fell in love with it.

The spot was perhaps six leagues northwest of the village of

Upper Gralt, and about ten leagues northeast of where the farm of

a good-hearted man named Faldor is now located.

Garion should be quite familiar with the region, since he grew up


Killane studied the location I’d chosen, trying to find something

wrong with it, I think, but he finally gave in. ‘Tis adequate,’ he

grudgingly conceded. ‘An’ as luck would have it, ’tis on one of yer

Own estates, so there’ll be no hagglin’ about buyin’ th’ place.’

‘Adequate?’ I protested.

‘Well – perhaps a trifle more than adequate, I suppose. I’ll be after

lmakin’ a few sketches, if we’ve got th’ time. I see about three

locations where Y’ might want me t’ build yer manor house. If we’ve

got good sketches, we kin spend th’ winter arguin’ about ’em when

we git back t’ Vo Wacune.’

I’d already more or less decided where I wanted my house, but

I didn’t want to seem arbitrary, so I let Killane amuse himself with

his sketch-pad while I explored the surrounding meadow and


It was late autumn by the time we returned to Vo Wacune, and

by then my vassals had all responded to Alleran’s summons and

had been impatiently waiting for me in the palace for over a month.

‘They aren’t happy, Aunt Pol,’ Alleran warned me. ‘Their families

have been sworn to mine for generations now, and I’m giving them

away like so many old saddles or suits of clothes. You might want

to ease into this gradually.’

‘Maybe,’ I replied, ‘but there are going to be changes up there,

Alleran – fairly major changes – so I’m not really going to be very

popular anyway. My vassals are Arends, so I’m sure that they’re

all mortally offended by the fact that their new ruler’s a woman.

There isn’t much point to pretending to be all sweetness and light,

is there?’

‘It’s your duchy, Aunt Pol. You can run it any Way that suits you.

When should we have the ceremony?’

‘Which ceremony was that?’

‘Each of them has to swear an oath of fealty to you after I’ve

released them from their oaths to me.’

‘A transfer of ownership, you mean?’

‘That’s a very harsh way to put it, Aunt Pol.’ He considered it.

‘Fairly accurate, though,’ he added. ‘We’ll do it in my throne-room

– if that’s all right with you. After the ceremony, I’ll nose about

a bit to see if you’re going to need an army to put down any


‘You’re just full of cheer today, aren’t you, Alleran?’ I said acidly.

The ceremony in the throne-room was a formality, of course,

but Arends adore formality, so that part went off quite well. I sat

imposingly on Alleran’s throne, crowned, ermine-robed, and

absolutely dripping regality. After my vassals had all pledged to protect,

serve, and defend me with their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred

honor, I gave them a little speech just to brighten up their day. I

discarded all the archaisms and got right to the point. ‘Now that

we’re all one big happy family, my Lords,’ I began, ‘we’ve got a

few new rules to put in place. You’ve customarily paid Duke Alleran

a certain tithe for the honor of serving him and administering the

estates he’s bestowed upon you. Now, Duke Alleran’s far from being

a spendthrift, but it seems to me that those tithes might be just a

bit excessive. I don’t think I’ll really need all that much money, so

why don’t we just cut those tithes in half for a few years and see

how that works out, shall we?’

My vassals cheered me for about a quarter of an hour for that bit

of generosity. Some of them actually wept. They were Arends, after


When silence returned, I continued. ‘Now then, since you won’t

be needing so much money to pay your rent, why don’t we improve

the lot of your serfs as well? I’ve cut your tithes in half, so you’ll

show your gratitude by cutting the amount of goods – and services

– You’ve been extracting from your serfs by the same amount. You

compel your serfs to work your land, and then you turn around

and take at least half of what their own fields produce. From now

on, you’ll limit yourselves to one quarter of their labor, and you’ll

leave what they grow to feed their families alone.’

‘What?’ a stout, red-faced baron – Lageron, I think his name was

– almost screamed.

‘Are you having trouble with your hearing, my Lord?’ I asked

him. ‘I said one quarter of his labor and none of his own food. A

starving man can’t work very well, you know.’

One of the other barons nudged Lageron and muttered in his ear.

Lageron’s expression of outrage softened, and his look grew sly. I

was fairly certain that my barons planned to ignore the new


‘Just so that we all understand each other here, gentlemen,’ I told

them, ‘I’m sure you’ve all heard wild stories about me.’ I smiled.

‘Nobody really believes all those fairy-tales, do they?’

They laughed at that. Then I let the smile slide off my face and

put on a fair imitation of one of those expressions my father uses

to intimidate people. ‘You’d all better start believing, my Lords,’ I

warned them. ‘No matter how wild the stories you’ve heard may

be, you’ll find that the reality is far, far worse. Don’t think for a

minute that you can ignore the limitations I’ve just placed on what

you can bleed out of your serfs. I have ways to know just exactly

what you’re doing, and if any one of you exceeds the limitations

by so much as one turnip, I’ll look upon that as a violation of the

oath you’ve just sworn, and I’ll turn him out of his manor house

with nothing but the clothes on his back, and his estate shall revert

to me. My eyes are everywhere, my Lords, and you will obey me

or take up a life of landless vagabondage.’

I let that sink in for a moment, and then I once again returned to

a tone of sweet reasonableness. ‘A change of administration always

causes a certain amount of disruption and upheaval, my Lords.

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