Robert Ludlum – Rhinemann Exchange

produced. Taken from a dead German .at the Tejo River.

‘Then why come down here? If there’s a problem, your line of vision was

best where you were. It’s more direct.’

‘If there’s a problem, they’ll know that. They’ll flank to their left.

East. To the west the ravine heads away from the mark. Maybe it’s nothing.

Perhaps you were right; they just want us to know they’re coming.’

A little more than two hundred yards away, just west of the shallow

passage, two men came into view. The Spaniard who knelt on Spaulding’s left

touched the American’s shoulder.

‘It’s Bergeron and Chivier,’ he said quietly.

Spaulding held up his hand for silence and scanned the area with the

binoculars. Abruptly he fixed them in one position. With his left hand he

directed the attention of his subordinates to the spot.

Below them, perhaps fifty yards, four soldiers in Wehrmacht uniforms were

struggling with the foliage, approaching the waters of the ravine.

Spaulding moved his binoculars back to the two Frenchmen, now crossing the

water. He held the glasses steady against the rock until he could see in

the woods behind the two men what he knew was there.

A fifth German, an officer, was half concealed in the tangled mass of weeds

and low branches. He held a rifle on the two Frenchmen crossing the ravine.

Spaulding passed the binoculars quickly to the first Spaniard. He

whispered. ‘Behind Chivier.’

The man looked, then gave the glasses to his countryman.

Each knew what had to be done; even the methods were clear. It was merely

a question of timing, precision. From a scabbard


behind his right hip, Spaulding withdrew a short carbine bayonet, shortened

further by grinding. His two associates did the same. Each peered over the

rock at the Wehrmacht men below.

The four Germans, faced with waters waist high and a current – though not

excessively strong, nevertheless considerable -strapped their rifles across

their shoulders laterally and separated in a downstream column. The lead

man started across, testing the depths as he did so.

Spaulding and the two Spaniards came from behind the rock swiftly and slid

down the incline, concealed by the foliage, their sounds muffled by the

rushing water. In less than half a minute they were within thirty feet of

the Wehrmacht men, hidden by fallen tree limbs and overgrowth. David

entered the water, hugging the embankment. He was relieved to see that the

fourth man – now only fifteen feet in front of him – was having the most

difficulty keeping his balance on the slippery rocks. The other three,

spaced about ten yards apart, were concentrating on the Frenchmen upstream.

Concentrating intently.

The Nazi saw him; the fear, the bewilderment was in the German’s eyes. The

split second he took to assimilate the shock was the time David needed.

Covered by the sounds of the water, Spaulding leaped on the man, his knife

penetrating the Wehrmacht throat, the head pushed violently under the

surface, the blood mingling with the rushing stream.

There was no time, no second to waste. David released the lifeless form and

saw that the two Spaniards were parallel with him on the embankment. The

first man, crouched and hidden, gestured toward the lead soldier; the

second nodded his head toward the next man. And David knew that the third

Wehrmacht soldier was his.

It took no more than the time necessary for Bergeron and Chivier to reach

the south bank. The three soldiers were dispatched, their blood-soaked

bodies floating downstream, careening off rocks, filling the waters with

streaks of magenta.

Spaulding signaled the Spaniards to cross the water to the north

embankment. The first man pulled himself up beside David, his right hand

bloodied from a deep cut across his palm.

‘Are you all right?”whispered Spaulding.

‘The blade slipped. I lost my knife.’ The man swore.

‘Get out of the area,’ said David. ‘Get the wound dressed at the Valdero



‘I can put on a tight bandage. I’ll be fine.’

The second Spaniard joined them. He winced at the sight of his countryman’s

hand, an action SpauldiVg thought inconsistent for a guerrilla who had just

minutes ago plunged a blade into the neck of a man, slicing most of his

head off.

‘That looks bad,’ he said.

‘You can’t function,’added Spaulding, ‘and we don’t have time to argue.’

‘I can. . .

‘You can’t.’ David spoke peremptorily. ‘Go back to Valdero’s. I’ll see you

in a week or two. Get going and stay out of sightV

‘Very well.’ The Spaniard was upset but it was apparent that he would not,

could not, disobey the American’s commands. He started to crawl into the

woods to the east.

Spaulding called quietly, just above the rush of the water. ‘Thank you.

Fine work today.’

The Spaniard grinned and raced into the forest, holding his wrist.

Just as swiftly, David touched the arm of the second man, beckoning him to

follow. They sidestepped their way along the bank upstream. Spaulding

stopped by a fallen tree whose trunk dipped down into the ravine waters. He

turned and crouched, ordering the Spaniard to do the same. He spoke words


‘I want him alive. I want to question him.’

‘I’ll get him.’

6No, I will. I just don’t want you to fire. There could be a backup

patrol.’ Spaulding realized as he whispered that the man couldn’t help but

smile. He knew why: his Spanish had the soft lilt of Castilian, a

foreigner9s Castilian at that. It was out of place in Basque country.

As he was out of place, really.

‘As you wish, good friend,’ said the man. ‘Shall I cross farther back and

reach Bergeron? He’s probably sick to his stomach by now.’

‘No, not yet. Wait’ll we’re secure over here. He and the old man will just

keep walking.’ David raised his head over the fallen tree trunk and

estimated distances. The German officer was about sixty yards away, hidden

in the woods. ‘I’ll head in there, get behind him. I’ll see if I can spot

any signs of another patrol. If I do, 1911 come back and we’ll get out. If

not, I’ll try to grab him….


If anything goes wrong, if he hears me, he’ll probably head for the water.

Take him.’

The Spaniard nodded. Spaulding checked the tautness of his rifle strap,

giving it a last-second hitch. He gave his subordinate a tentative smile

and saw that the man’s hands – huge, calloused -were spread on the ground

like claws. If the Wehrmacht officer headed this way, he’d never get by

those hands, thought David.

He crept swiftly, silently into the woods, his arms and feet working like

a primitive hunter’s, warding off branches, sidestepping rocks and tangled


In less than three minutes he had gone thirty yards behind the German on

the Nazi’s left flank. He stood immobile and withdrew his binoculars. He

scanned the forest and the trail. There were no other patrols. He doubled

back cautiously, blending every movement of his body with his surroundings.

When he was within ten feet of the German, who was kneeling on the ground,

David silently unlatched his holster and withdrew his pistol. He spoke

sharply, though not impolitely, in German.

‘Stay where you are or I’ll blow your head off.’

The Nazi whipped around and awkwardly fumbled for his weapon. Spaulding

took several rapid steps and kicked it out of his hands. The man started to

rise, and David brought his heavy leather boot up into the side of the

German’s head. The officer’s visor hat fell to the ground; blood poured out

of the man’s temple, spreading throughout the hairline, streaking down

across his face. He was unconscious.

Spaulding reached down and tore at the Nazi’s tunic. Strapped across the

Oberleutnant’s chest was a traveling pouch. David pulled the steel zipper

laterally over the waterproofed canvas and found what he was sure he would


The photographs of the hidden Luftwaffe installations north of

Mont-de-Marsan. Along with the photographs were amateurish drawings that

were, in essence, basic blueprints. At least, schematics. Taken from

Bergeron, who had then led the German into the trap.

If he could make sense out of them – along with the photographs – he would

alert London that sabotage units could inflict the necessary destruction,

immobilizing the Luftwaffe complex. He would send in the units himself.

The Allied air strategists were manic when it came to bombing runs. The

planes dove from the skies, reducing to rubble and


crater everything that was – and was not – a target, taking as much innocent

life as enemy. If Spaulding could prevent air strikes north of

Mont-de-Marsan, it might somehow… abstractly make up for the decision he

now had to face.

There were no prisoners of war in the Galician hills, no internment centers

in the Basque country.

The Wehrmacht lieutenant, who was so ineffectual in his role of the hunter

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Categories: Robert Ludlum