Robert Ludlum – Rhinemann Exchange

chain of command is all about.

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We have no time. Our eyes are turned. Our minds are occupied elsewhere.

Carry out the order on your own initiative as a good soldier should who

understands the chain of command. No one will be inquisitive; it is the

result that matters. We all know that; the chain of command, old boy.


By the strangest coincidence an Intelligence probe is returned by a man in

Johannesburg through which the purchase of industrial diamonds was sought.

A purchase for which a fortune in Swiss currency was tendered by Germany’s

1. G. Farben, the armaments giant of the Third Reich.

PeenemUnde had the guidance system; it could be had. For a price.

It did not take a major intellect to arrivd at that price.

Industrial diamonds.


For reasons beyond inquiry, Germany desperately needed the diamonds. For

reasons all too clear, the Allies desperately needed the high-altitude

guidance system.

An exchange between enemies at the height of the bitterest war in the

history of mankind.

Insanity. Beyond comprehension.

And so General Alan Swanson removed it from his immediate … totality.

The single deep chime of the clock intruded, signifying the quarter hour.

Here and there throughout the maze of dark concrete outside, lights were

being turned on in a scattering of tiny windows. A greyish purple slowly

began to impose itself on the black sky; vague outlines of cloud wisps

could be discerned above.

In the higher altitudes.

Swanson walked away from the window to the couch facing the fireplace and

sat down. It had been twelve hours ago . . . eleven hours and forty-five

minutes, to be precise … when he had taken the first step of removal.

He had placed … delegated the insanity where it belonged. To the men who

had created the crisis; whose lies and manipulations had brought Overlord

to the precipice of obscenity.

He had ordered Howard Oliver and Jonathan Craft to be in his apartment at

six o’clock. Twelve hours and fifteen minutes


ago. He had telephoned them on the previous day, making it clear that he

would tolerate no excuses. If transportation were a problem, he would

resolve it, but they were to be in Washington, in his apartment, by six


Exposure was a viable alternative.

They had arrived at precisely six, as the somber chimes of the mantel clock

were ringing.- At that moment Swanson knew he was dealing from absolute

strength. Men like Oliver and Craft -especially Oliver -did not adhere to

such punctuality unless they were afraid. It certainly was not courtesy. ,

The transference had been made with utter simplicity.

There was a telephone number in Geneva, Switzerland. There was a man at

that number who would respond to a given code phrase and bring together two

disparate parties, act as an interpreter, if necessary. It was understood

that the second party – for purposes of definition – had access to a

perfected high-altitude guidance system. The first party, in turn, should

have knowledge of … perhaps access to … shipments of industrial

diamonds. The Koening mines of Johannesburg might be a place to start.

That was all the information they had.

It was recommended that Mr. Oliver and Mr. Craft act on this information


If they failed to do so, extremely serious charges involving individual and

corporate deceit relative to armaments contracts would be levelled by the

War Department.

There had been a long period of silence. The implications of his statement

– with all its ramifications – were accepted gradually by both men.

Alan Swanson then added the subtle confirmation of their worst projections:

whoever was chosen to go to Geneva, it could not be anyone known to him. Or

to any War Department liaison with any of their companies. That was


The Geneva meeting was exploratory. Whoever went to Switzerland should be

knowledgeable and, if possible, capable of spotting deception. Obviously a

man who practiced deception.

That shouldn’t be difficult for them; not in the circles they traveled.

Surely they knew such a man.

They did. An accountant named Walter Kendall.

Swanson looked up at the clock on the mantel. It was twenty minutes past


Why did the time go so slowly? On the other hand, why didn’t


it stop? Why didn’t everything stop but the sunlight? Why did there have to

be the nights to go through?

In another hour he would go to his office and quietly make arrangements for

one Walter Kendall to be flown on neutral routes to Geneva, Switzerland. He

would bury the orders in a blue pouch along with scores of other transport

directives and clearances. There would be no signature on the orders, only

the official stamp of Field Division, Fairfax; standard procedure with


Oh, Christ! thought Swanson. If there could be control … without


But he knew that was not possible. Sooner or later he would have to face

the reality of what he had done.







He had been in the north country for eight days. He had not expected it to

be this long, but Spaulding knew it was necessary : * . an unexpected

dividend. What had begun as a routine escape involving two defecting

scientists from the Ruhr Valley had turned into something else.

The scientists were throwaway bait. Gestapo bait. The runner who had made

their escape possible out of the Ruhr was not a member of the German

underground. He was Gestapo.

It had taken Spaulding three days to be absolutely sure. The Gestapo man

was one of the best he had ever encountered, but his mistakes fell into a

pattern: he was not an experienced runner. When David was sure, he knew

exactly what had to be done.

For five days he led his ‘underground’ companion through the hills and

mountain passes to the east as far as Sierra de Guara, nearly a hundred

miles from the clandestine escape routes. He entered remote villages and

held ‘conferences’ with men he knew were Falangists – but who did not know

him – and then told the Gestapo man they were partisans. He traveled over

primitive roads and down the Guayardo River and explained that these routes

were the avenues of escape…. Contrary to what the Germans believed, the

routes were to the east, into the Mediterranean, not the Atlantic. This

confusion was the prime reason for the success of the Pyrenees network. On

two occasions he sent the Nazi into towns for supplies – both times he



and observed the Gestapo man entering buildings that had thick telephone

wires sagging into the roofs.

The information was being transmitted back to Germany. That was reason

enough for the investment of five additional days. The German interceptors

would be tied up for months concentrating on the eastern ‘routes’; the

network to the west would be relatively unencumbered.

But now the game was coming to an end. It was just as well, thought David;

he had work to do in Ortegal, on the Biscay coast.

The small campfire was reduced to embers, the night air cold. Spaulding

looked at his watch. It was two in the morning. He had ordered the ‘runner’

to stay on guard quite far from the camp. site … out of the glow of the

fire. In darkness. He had given the Gestapo man enough time and isolation

to make his move, but the German had not made his move; he had remained at

his post.

So be it, thought David. Perhaps the man wasn’t as expert as he thought he

was. Or perhaps the information his own men in the hills had given him was

not accurate. There was no squad of German soldiers – suspected Alpine

troops – heading down from the mountain borders to take out the Gestapo


And him.

He approached the rock on which the German sat. ‘Get some rest. I’ll take


‘Danke,’ said the man, getting to his feet. ‘First, nature calls; I

mustrelieve my bowels. I’ll take a spade into the field.’

‘Use the woods. Animals graze here. The winds carry.’

‘Of course. You’re thorough.’

‘I try to be,’ said David.

The German crossed back toward the fire, to his pack. He removed a camp

shovel and started for the woods bordering the field. Spaulding watched

him, now aware that his first impression was the correct one. The Gestapo

agent was expert. The Nazi had not forgotten that six days ago the two Ruhr

scientists had disappeared during the night – at a moment of the night when

he had dozed. David had seen the fury in the German’s eyes and knew the

Nazi was now remembering the incident.

If Spaulding assessed the current situation accurately, the Gestapo man

would wait at least an hour into his watch, to be sure he, David, was not

making contact with unseen partisans in the darkness. Only then would the

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Categories: Robert Ludlum