Robert Ludlum – Rhinemann Exchange

the dim room from their booth.

‘A couple of conferences. Very dull. Bankers have a penchant for prolonging

any meeting way beyond its finish. The Strand or Wall Street, makes no

difference.’ He smiled at her.

‘Yes…. Well, perhaps, they’re always looking for ways to extract every

last dollar.’

‘No “perhal5s.” That’s it. . . . This is quite a place, by the way. Reminds

me of Lisbon.’

‘Rome,’ she said. ‘It’s more like Rome. Way out. Via Appia. Did you know

that the Italians comprise over thirty per cent of the population in Buenos


‘I knew it was considerable.’

‘The Italian hand. . . . That’s supposed to mean evil.’

,or clever. Not necessarily evil. The”fine Italian hand” is usually


‘Bobby brought me here one night. . . . I think he brings lots


of girls here.’

‘It’s . . . discreet.’

‘I think he was worried that Henderson might find out be had dishonorable

designs. And so he brought me here.’

‘Which confirms his designs.’

‘Yes. . . . It’s for lovers. But we weren’t.’

‘I’m glad you chose it for us. It gives me a nice feeling of security.’

‘Oh, no! Don’t look for that. No one’s in the market for that this year.

No. . . . Security’s out of the question. And commitments. Those, too. No

commitments for sale.’She took a cigarette from his open pack; he lit it

for her. Over the flame he saw her eyes staring at him. Caught, she glanced

downward, at nothing.

‘What’s the matter?’

‘Nothing. . . . Nothing at all.’ She smiled, but only the outlines were

there; not the ingenuousness, not the humor. ‘Did you talk to that man


‘Good Lord, is that what’s bothering you? . . . I’m sorry, I suppose I

should have said something. Stoltz was selling fleet information; I’m in no

position to buy. I told him to get in touch with Naval Intelligence. I made

a report to the base commander at FMF this morning. If they want to use

him, they will.’

‘Strange he should call you.’

‘That’s what I thought. Apparently German surveillance picked me up the

other day and the financial data was on their sheet. That was enough for


:He’s a defector?’

Or selling bad stuff. It’s FMF’s problem, not mine.’

‘You’re very glib.’ She drank her coffee unsteadily.

‘What’s that supposed to mean?’

‘Nothing. . . . Just that you’re quick. Quick and facile. You must be very

good at your work.’

‘And you’re in a godawful mood. Does an excess of gin bring it on?’

:Oh, you think I’m drunk?’

You’re not sober. Not that it matters.’ He grinned. ‘You’re hardly an


. ‘Thanks for the vote of confldence. But don’t speculate. That implies some

kind of permanence. We must avoid that, mustn% we?’

‘Must we? It seems to be a point with you tonight. It wasn’t


a problem I was considering.’

‘You just brushed it aside, I assume. I’m sure you have other, more

pressing matters.’ In replacing her cup, Jean spilled coffee on the

tablecloth. She was obviously annoyed with herself. ‘I’m doing it badly,’

she said after a moment of silence.

‘You’re doing it badly,’ he agreed.

‘I’m frightened.’

‘Of what?’

‘You’re not here in Buenos Aires to talk to bankers, are you? It’s much

more than that. You won’t tell me, I know. And in a few weeks, you’ll be

gone . . . if you’re alive.’

‘You’re letting your imagination take over.’ He took her hand; she crushed

out her cigarette and put her other hand over his. She gripped him tightly.

‘All right. Let’s say you’re right.’ She spoke quietly now; he had to

strain to hear her. ‘I’m making everything up. I’m crazy and I drank too

much. Indulge me. Play the game for a minute.’

‘If you want me to . . . O.K.’

‘It’s hypothetical. My David isn’t a State Department syndromer, you see.

He’s an agent. We’ve had a few here; I’ve met them. The colonels call

themprovocarios…. So, my David is an agent and being an agent is called

. . . high-risk something-orother because the rules are different. That is,

the rules don’t have any meaning…. There aren’t any rules for these

people … like my hypothetical David. Do you follow?’

‘I follow,’ he replied simply. ‘I’m not sure what the object is or how a

person scores.’

‘We’ll get to that.’ She drank the last of her coffee, holding the cup

firmly – too firmly; her fingers shook. ‘The point is, such a man as my .

. . mythical David could be killed or crippled or have his face shot off.

That’s a horrible thought, isn’t it?’

‘Yes. I imagine that possibility has occurred to several hundred thousand

men by now. It’s horrible.’

‘But they’re different. They have armies and uniforms and certain rules.

Even in airplanes … their chances are better. And I say this with a

certain expertise.’

He looked at her intently. ‘Stop.’

‘Oh, not yet. Now, I’m going to tell you how you can score a goal. Why does

my hypothetical David do what he does? … No, don’t answer yet.’ She

stopped and smiled weakly. ‘But you weren’t about to answer, were you? It

doesn’t matter; there’s


a second part to the question. You get extra points for considering it.’

‘What’s the second partT He thought that Jean was recapitulating an

argument she had memorized. Her next words proved it.

‘You see, I’ve thought about it over and over again . . . for this

make-believe game . . . this make-believe agent. He’s in a very unique

position; he works alone . . . or at least with very, very few people. He’s

in a strange country and he’s alone. . . . Do you understand the second

part nowT

David watched her. She had made some abstract connection in her mind

without verbalizing it. ‘No, I don’t.’

‘If David is working alone and in a strange country and has to send codes

to Washington . . . Henderson told me that . . . that means the people he’s

working for have to believe what he tells them. He can tell them anything

he wants to…. So now we come back to the question. Knowing all this, why

does the mythical David do what he does? He can’t really believe that he’ll

influence the outcome of the whole war. He’s only one among millions and


‘And … if I’m following you … this make-believe man can send word to

his superiors that he’s having difficulties . . . ..

‘He has to stay on in Buenos Aires. For a long time,’ she interrupted,

holding his hand fiercely.

“And if they say no, he can always hide out in the pampas.’

‘Don’t make fun of me I’ she said intensely.

‘I’m not. I won’t pretend that I can give you logical answers, but I don’t

think the man you’re talking about has such a clear field. Tight reins are

kept on such men, I believe. Other men could be sent into the area . . .

woud be sent, I’m sure. Your strategy is only a short-term gain; the

penalties are long and damned stiff.’

She withdrew her hands slowly, looking away from him. ‘It’s a gamble that

might be worth it, though. I love you very much. I don’t want you hurt and

I know there are people trying to hurt you.’ She stopped and turned her

eyes back to him. ‘They’re trying to kill you, aren’t they? … One among

so many millions . . . and I keep saying to myself, “Not him. Oh, God, not

him.” Don’t you see? . . . Do we need them? Are those people -whoever they

are-so important? To us? Haven’t you done enough?’

He returned her stare and found himself understanding the


profundity of her question. It wasn’t a pleasant realization. … He had

done enough. His whole life had been turned around until the alien was an

everyday occurrence.

For what?

The amateurs? Alan Swanson? Walter Kendall?

A dead Ed Pace. A corrupt Fairfax.

One among so many millions.

‘Seflor Spaulding?’ The words shocked him momentarily because they were so

completely unexpected. A tuxedoed maltre d’ was standing bythe edge of the

booth, his voice low.


‘There’s a telephone call for you.’

David looked at the discreet man. ‘Can’t you bring the telephone to the


‘Our sincere apologies. The instrument plug at this booth is not


A lie, of course, Spaulding knew.

‘Very well.’ David got out of the booth. He turned to Jean. ‘I’D be right

back. Have some more coffee.’

‘Suppose I wanted a drink?’

‘Order it.’ He started to walk away.

‘David?’ She called out enough to be heard; not loudly.

‘Yes?’ He turned back; she was staring at him again.

‘ “Tortugas” ‘ isn’t worth it,’ she said quietly.

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Categories: Robert Ludlum