Robert Ludlum – Rhinemann Exchange

contingent. He was about to start up the short path to the front entrance

when Stoltz spoke through the automobile window.

‘Please wait. Our men are not yet in position. They’ll tell us.’

Static could be heard over the radio beneath the Packard’s dashboard. There

followed a recitation of numbers; the driver picked up his microphone and

repeated them.

Heinrich Stoltz nodded and got out of the car. David started toward the


Inside, two of Rhinemann’s men remained in the hallway; two walked through

the apartment to the kitchen and a rear door that opened onto a small,

terraced back yard. Stoltz accompanied David into the living room where

Eugene Lyons was seated at a large dining table. The table was cleared

except for two note pads with a half dozen pencils.

The male nurses, Johnny and Hal, accepted Spaukling’s terse commands. They

stood at opposite ends of the room in front of a couch, in shirtsleeves,

their pistols strapped in shoulder holsters emphasized by the white cloth

of their shirts.

Stoltz had relieved one man of his metal case and told David to take the

other. Together, Stoltz and Spaulding placed the


three containers on the large table, and Stoltz unlocked them. Lyons made no

effort to greet his visitors – his intruders – and only the most perfunctory

salutation came from Stoltz. It was apparent that Kendall had described the

scientist’s afflictions; the German diplomat conducted himself accordingly.

Stoltz spoke from across the table to the seated Lyons. ‘From your left,

the designs are in order of sequence. We have prepared bilingual keys

attached to each of the schematics, and wherever processes are described,

they have been translated verbatim, utilizing English counterpart formulae

or internationally recognized symbols, and often both…. Not far from

here, and easily contacted by our automobile radio, is an aeronautical

physicist from Peenernfinde. He is available for consultation at your

request…. Finally, you understand that no photographs may be taken.’

Eugene Lyons picked up a pencil and wrote on a pad. He tore off the page

and handed it to Spaulding. It read:

How long do I have? Are these complete?

David handed the note to Stoltz, who replied.

‘As long as you need, Herr Doktor. . . . There is one last container. It

will be brought to you later.’

‘Within twenty-four hours,’ interrupted Spaulding. ‘I insist on that.’

‘When we receive confirmation that the codes have arrived in Washington.’

‘That message is undoubtedly at the embassy now.’ David looked at his

watch. ‘I’m sure it is.’

‘If you say it, I believe it,’ said Stoltz. ‘It would be pointless to lie.

You won’t leave Argentina until we have received word from …


Spaulding couldn’t define why but there was something questioning about the

German’s statement; a questioning that didn’t belong with such a

pronouncement. David began to think that Stoltz was far more nervous than

he wanted anyone to realize. ‘I’ll confirm the codes when we leave…. By

the way, I also insist the designs remain here. Just as Doctor Lyons has

checked them.’

‘We anticipated your . . . request. You Americans are so mistrustful. Two

of our men will also’remain. Others win be outside.’

‘That’s a waste of manpower. What good is three-fourths of


the merchandiseT

‘Tbree-fourths better than you have,’ answered the German.

The next two and a half hours were marked by the scratches of Lyons’s

pencil; the incessant static of the radios from the hallway and the

kitchen, over which came the incessant, irritating recitation of numbers;

the pacing of Heinrich Stoltz – his eyes constantly riveting on the pages

of notes taken by an exhausted Lyons, making sure the scientist did not try

to pocket or hide them; the yawns of the male nurse, Hal; the silent,

hostile stares of his partner, Johnny.

At ten thirty-five, Lyons rose from the chair. He placed the pile of notes

to his left and wrote on a pad, tearing off the page and handing it to


So far – authentic. I have no questions.

David handed the note to an anxious Stoltz.

‘Good,’ said the German. ‘Now, colonel, please “plain to the doctor’s

companions that it will be necessary for us torelieve them of their

weapons. They will be returned, of course.’

David spoke to Johnny. ~It’s all right. Put them on the table.’

‘It’s all right by who-saysT said Johnny, leaning against the wall, making

no move to comply.

‘I do,’ answered Spaulding. ‘Nothing will happen.’

‘These fuckers are Nazis! You want to put us in blindfolds, tooT

‘They’re German. Not Nazis.’

‘Horseshit!’ Johnny pushed himself off the wall and stood erect. 11 don’t

like the way they talk.’

‘Listen to me.’ David approached him. ‘A great many people have risked

their lives to bring this thing off. For different reasons. You may not

like them any more than I do, but we can’t louse it up now. Please, do as

I ask you.’

Johnny stared angrily at Spaulding. ‘I hope to Christ you know what you’re

doing. . . .’ He and his partner put down their guns.

‘Thank you, gentlemen,’ said Stoltz, walking into the hallway. He spoke

quietly in German to the two guards. The man with the radio walked rapidly

through the sitting room into the kitchen; the other picked up the two

weapons, placing one in his belt, the second in his jacket pocket. He then

returned to the hallway without speaking.

Spaulding went to the table, joined by Stoltz. Lyons had


replaced the designs in the manila envelopes; there were three. ‘I’d hate to

think of the money our mutual friend is getting for these,’ said David.

‘You wouldn’t pay it if they weren’t worth it.’

“I suppose not…. No reason not to put them in one case. Along with the

notes.~ Spaulding looked over at Lyons, who stood immobile at the end of the

table. ‘Is that all right, doctorT

Lyons nodded, his sad eyes half closed, his pallor accentuated.

‘As you wish,’ said Stoltz. Picking up the envelopes and the notes, he put

them in the first container, locked it, closed the other two and placed

them on top of the first, as if he were performing a religious exercise in

front of an altar.

Spaulding took several steps toward the two men by the window. ‘You’ve had

a rough day. Doctor Lyons, too. Turn in and let your guests walk guard

duty; I think they’re on overtime.’

Hal grinned. Johnny did not.

‘Good evening, doctor. It’s been a privilege meeting such a distinguished

man of science.’ Across the room, Stoltz spoke in diplomatic tones, bowing

a slight diplomatic bow.

The guard with the radio emerged from the kitchen and nodded to the German

attach6. They left the room together. Spaulding smfled at Lyons; the

scientist turned without acknowledging and walked into his bedroom to the

right of the kitchen door.

Outside on the sidewalk, Stoltz held the car door for David. ‘A very

strange man, your Doctor Lyons,’ he said as Spaulding got into the Packard.

‘He may be, but he’s one of the best in his field…. Ask your driver to

stop at a pay phone. IT check the embassy’s radio room. You’ll get your


‘Excellentidea…. Tben, perhaps, you’ll join me for dinner?’

David looked at the attach6 who sat so confidently, so halfmockingly,

beside him. Stoltz’s nervousness had disappeared. ‘No, Heff

Botschaftssekretir. I have another engagement.’

‘With the lovely Mrs. Cameron, no doubt. I defer.’

Spaulding did not reply. Instead, he looked out the window in silence.

The Terraza Verde was peaceful. The streetlamps cast a soft glow on the

quiet, darkened sidewalks; the sculptured trees in front of the picturesque

Mediterranean houses were silhouetted against pastel-colored brick and

stone. In windows beyond flower boxes, the yellow lamps of living rooms and



shone invitingly. A man in a business suit, a newspaper under his arm,

walked up the steps to a door, taking a key from his pocket; a young couple

were laughing quietly, leaning against a low wrought-iron fence. A little

girl with a light brown cocker spaniel on a leash was skipping along the

sidewalk, the dog jumping happily out of step.

Terraza Verde was a lovely place to live.

And David thought briefly of another block he’d seen that day. With old men

who smelled of rot and urine; with a toothless whore who leaned on a filthy

sill. With cat intestines and dirtfilmed windows. And with two huge

warehouses that provided no work, and a trawler at anchor, recently

destined for Tortugas.

The Packard turned the comer into another street. There were a few more

lights, less sculptured trees, but the street was very much like Terraza

Verde. It reminded David of those offshoot streets in Lisbon that

approached the rich caminos; dotted with expensive shops, convenient for

wealthy inhabitants a few hundred yards away.

There were shops here, too; with windows subtly lit, wares tastefully

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Categories: Robert Ludlum