Robert Ludlum – Rhinemann Exchange

It was broken, only one half remaining.

The inside of the suitcase housed a single strand at the rear, crossing the

elastic flap’three fingers from the left side.

It was gone.

David stood up. He crossed to the bedside table and reached underneath for

the telephone directory. There was no point in delay; what advantage he had

was in surprise. His room had been searched professionally; he was not

expected to know.

He would get Leslie Jenner’s number, return to her apartment house and find

a telephone booth near the entrance – with luck, in sight of it. He would

then call her, tell her some wildly incredible story about anything and ask

to see her. No mention of the search, nothing of his borne-out suspicions.

Throw her off completely and listen acutely to her reaction. If she agreed

to see him, all well and good. If she didn’t, he’d keep her apartment under

surveillance throughout the night, if necessary.

Leslie Jenner had a story to tell and he’d find out what it was. The man in

Lisbon had not spent three years in the north provinces without gaining


There was no Jenner at the address of the apartment building.

There were six Jenners, listed in Manhattan.

One by one he gave the hotel switchboard the numbers, and one by one – in

varying stages of sleep and anger – the replies were the same.

No Leslie Jenner. None known.

Spaulding hung up. He’d been sitting on the bed; he got up and walked

around the room.

He would go to the apartment building and ask the doorman. It was possible

the apartment was in the aunt’s name but it wasn’t plausible. Leslie Jenner

would put her name and number in the Yellow Pages, if she could; for her

the telephone was an instrument of existence, not convenience. And if he

went to the apartment and started asking questions, he would be announcing

unreasonable concern. He wasn’t prepared to do that.


Who was the girl at Rogers Peet? The one exchanging Christmas gifts.

Cynthia? Cindy? … Cindy. Cindy Tuttle … Tottle. But not Tottle …

Bonner. Married to Paul Bonner, exchanging ‘dreary gifts for Paul.’

He crossed to the bed and picked up the telephone directory.

Paul Bonner was listed: 480 Park Avenue. The address was appropriate. He

gave the number to the switchboard.

The voice of a girl more asleep than awake answered.

‘Yes?… Hello?’

‘Mrs. Bonner?’

‘Yes. What is it? This is Mrs. Bonner.’

‘I’m David Spaulding. You saw me this afternoon at Rogers Peet; you were

exchanging gifts for your husband and I was buying a suit…. Forgive me

for disturbing you but it’s important. I had dinner with Leslie … Leslie

Jenner; you called her. I just left her at her apartment; we were to meet

tomorrow and now I find that I may not be able to. It’s foolish but I

forgot to get her telephone number, and I can’t find it in the book. I


‘Mr. Spaulding.’ The girl interrupted him, her tone sharp, no longer

blurred with sleep. ‘If this is a joke, I think it’s in bad taste. I do

remember your name . . . . I did not see you this afternoon and I wasn’t

exchanging . . . I wasn’t in Rogers Peet. My husband was killed four months

ago. In Sicily. . . . I haven’t spoken to Leslie Jenner . . . Hawkwood, I

think now in over a year. She moved to California, Pasadena, I believe. We

haven’t been in touch. Nor is it likely we would be.’

David heard the, abrupt click of the broken connection.



DECEMBER 31,1943


It wasthe morning of New Year’s Eve.

His first day of ’employment’ for Meridian Aircraft, Blueprint Division.

He had stayed most of the previous day in his hotel room going out briefly

for lunch and magazines, dinner through robm service, and finally a

pointless taxi to Greenwich Village, where he knew he would not find Leslie

Jehner at ten o , clock.

He had remained confined for two reasons. The first was a confirmation of

the Mitchell Field doctor’s diagnosis: he was exhausted. The secopd reason

was equally important. Fairfax was running checks on Leslie Jenner

Hawkwood, Cindy Tottle Bonner, and a naval officer named Jack or John

Webster, whose wifewasconveniently in California. David wanted this data

before progressing further, and Ed Pace had promised to be as thorough as

forty-eight hours allowed.

Spaulding had been struck by Cindy Bonner’s words concerning Leslie Jenner.

She nwved to California. Pasadena, I believe….

And a routine phone call to the Greenwich Village apartment’s

superintendent had confirmed that, indeed, the Websters did live there; the

husband was in the navy, the wife was visiting him someplace in California.

The superintendent was holding the mail.

Someplace in California.


She moved to California….

Was there a connection? Or simple coincidence.

Spaulding looked at his watch. It was eight o’clock. The morning of New

Year’s Eve. Tomorrow would be 1944.

This morning, however, he was to report to one Walter Kendall and one

Eugene Lyons at Meridian’s temporary offices on Thirty-eighth Street.

Why would one of the largest aircraft companies in the United States have

‘temporary’ offices?

The telephone rang. David reached for it.


‘Hello, Ed.’

‘I got what I could. It doesn’t make a hell of a lot of sense. To begin

with, there’s no record of a divorce between the Hawkwoods. And he is in

England. Eighth Air Force, but nothing classified. He’s a pilot, Tenth

Bomber Command down in Surrey.’

‘What about her living in California?’

‘Eighteen months ago she left New York and moved in with an aunt in

Pasadena. Very rich aunt, married to a man named Goldsmith; he’s a banker

– Social Register, polo set. From what we’ve learned – and it’s sketchy –

she just likes California.’

:’O.K. What about this WebsterT

Checks out. He’s a gunner officer on the Saratoga. It pulled into San Diego

for combat repairs. It’s scheduled for sea duty in two weeks, and the date

holds. Until then there are a lot of forty-eights, seventy-twos; no

extended leaves, though. The wife Margaret joined her lieutenant a couple

of days ago. She’s at the Greenbrier Hotel.’

‘Anything on the BonnersT

‘Only what you know, except that he was a bona fide hero. Posthumous Silver

Star, Infantry. Killed on a scout patrol covering an ambush evacuation.

Sicily invasion.’

‘And that’s iff

‘That’s it. Obviously they all know each other, but I can’t find anything

to relate to your DW assignment.’

‘But you’re not the control, Ed. You said you didn’t know what the

assignment was.’ –

‘True. But from the fragments I do know about, I can’t find anything.,

‘My room was searched. I’m not mistaken about that.’


‘Maybe the ‘ ft. Rich soldier in a rich hotel, home from an

extended tour. Could be someone figured you were carrying a

lot of back pay, discharge money.’

‘I doubt that. It was too pro.’

‘A lot of pros work those hotels. They wait for guys to start off on an

alcoholic evening and . . .’

Spaulding interrupted. ‘I want to follow up something.’


‘The Bonner girl said “it wasn’t likely” she’d be in touch with Leslie

Jenner, and she wasn’t kidding. That’s an odd thing to say, isn’t it? I’d

like to know why she said it.’

‘Go ahead. It was your hotel room, not mine. . . . You know what I think?

And I’ve thought about it; I’ve had to.’


‘That New York crowd plays a fast game of musical beds. Now, you didn’t

elaborate, but isn’t it logical the lady was in New York for a few days,

perhaps saw you herself, or knew someone who had, and figured, why not? I

mean, what the hell, she’s headed back to California; probably never see

you again. . . .’

‘No, it’s not logical. She was too complicated; she didn’t have to be. She

was keeping me away from the hotel.’

‘Well, you were there. . . .’

‘I certainly was. You know, it’s funny. According to your major at Mitchell

Field, you think the Azores thing was directed at me. . . .’

‘I said might be,’ interjected Pace.

‘And I don’t. Yet here I am, convinced the other night was, and you don’t.

Maybe we’re both getting tired.’

‘Maybe I’m also concerned for your source control. This Swanson, he’s very

nervous; this isn’t his ball park. I don’t think he can take many more


‘Then let’s not give him any. Not now. I’ll know if I should.’

Spaulding watched the disheveled accountant as he outlined the Buenos Aires

operation. He had never met anyone quite like Walter Kendall. The man was

positively unclean. His body odor was only partially disguised by liberal

doses of bay rum. His shirt collar was dirty, his suit unpressed, and David

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Categories: Robert Ludlum