Robert Ludlum – Rhinemann Exchange

For what?! … 0h, my God! For what?!

‘You’re lying!’ David crashed his hand down on the table. The steel of the

pistol cracked against the wood with such force the vibration filled the

room. ‘You’re lying!’ he cried; he did not shout. ‘I’m in Buenos Aires to

buy gyroscopic designs! To have them authenticated! Confirmed by code so

that son of a bitch gets paid in Switzerland! That’s all. Nothing else!

Nothing else at aill Not this I’

‘Yes. . . .’ Asher Feld spoke softly. ‘It is this.’

David whirled around at nothing. He stretched his neck: the crashing

thunder in his head would not stop, the blinding flashes of light in front

of his eyes were causing a terrible pain. He saw the bodies on the floor,

the blood . the corpses on the sofa, the blood.

Tableau of death.


His whole shadow world bad been ripped out of orbit. A thousand gambles …

pains, manipulations, death. And more death . . . all faded into a

meaningless void. The betrayal – if it was a betrayal – was so immense …

hundreds of thousands had been sacrificed for absolutely nothing.

He had to stop. He had to think. To concentrate.

He looked at the painfully gaunt Eugene Lyons, his face a sheet of white.

The man’s dying, thought Spaulding.


He had to concentrate.

Oh, Christ! He had to think. Start somewhere. Think.


Or he would go out of his mind.

He turned to Feld. The Jew’s eyes were compassionate. They might have been

something else, but they were not. They were compassionate.

And yet, they were the eyes of a man who killed in calm deliberation.

As he, the man in Lisbon, had killed.



For what?

There were questions. Concentrate on the questions. Listen. Find error.

Find error – if error was needed in this world it was nowl

‘I don’t believe you,’ said David, trying as he had never tried in his life

to be convincing.

‘I think you do,’ replied Feld quietly. ‘The girl, Leslie Hawkwood, told us

you didn’t know. A judgment we found difficult to accept…. I accept it


David had to think for a moment. He did not, at first, recognize the name.

Leslie Hawkwood. And then, of course, he did instantly. Painfully. ‘How is

she involved with youT he asked numbly.

‘Herold Goldsmith is her uncle. By marriage, of course, she’s not Jewish.’

‘Goldsmith? The name … doesn’t mean anything to me.’ … Concentrate I He

had to concentrate and speak rationally.

‘It does to thousands of Jews. He’s the man behind the Baruch and Lehman

negotiations. He’s done more to get our people out of the camps than any

man in America…. He refused to have anything to do with Us until the

civilized, compassionate men in Washington, London and the Vatican turned

their backs on him. Then he came to us … in fury. He created a hurricane,

his niece was swept up in it. She’s overly dramatic, perhaps, but commit-

ted, effective. She moves in circles barred to the Jew.’

‘Why?’. . . Listen I For God’s sake, listen. Be rational. Concentratel

Asher Feld paused for a moment, his dark, hollow eyes clouded with quiet

hatred. ‘She met dozens . . . hundreds, perhaps, of those Herold Goldsmith

got out. She saw the photographs, heard the stories. It was enough. She was


The calm was beginning to return to David. Leslie was the springboard he

needed to come back from the madness. There were questions….

‘I can’t reject the pren-dse that Rhinemarm bought the designs. . . .’

‘Oh, come!’ interrupted Feld. ‘You were the man in Lisbon. How often did

your own agents – your best men – find Peenemfinde invulnerable? Has not

the German underground itself given up penetrationT


‘No one ever gives up. On either side. The German underground is part of

this!’ That was the error, thought David.

‘If that were so,’ said Feld, gesturing his head toward the dead Germans on

the couch, ‘then those men were members of the underground. You know the

Haganah, Lisbon. We don’t kill such men.’

Spaulding stared at the quiet-spoken Jew and knew he told the truth.

‘The other evening.’ said Spaulding quickly, ‘on Parand. I was followed,

beaten up . . . but I saw the IDs. They were Gestapo V

‘They were Haganah.’ replied Feld. ‘The Gestapo is our best cover. If they

had been Gestapo that would presume, knowledge of your function…. Would

they have let you live?’

Spaulding started to object. The Gestapo would not risk killing in a

neutral country; not with identification on their persons. Then he realized

the absurdity of his logic. Buenos Aires was not Lisbon. Of course, they

would kill him. And then he recalled the words of Heinrich Stoltz.

We’ve checked at the highest levels … not the Gestapo … impossible….

And the strangely inappropriate apologia: the racial theories of Rosenberg

and Hitler are not shared … primarily an economic …

A defense of the indefensible offered by a man whose loyalty was

purportedly not to the Third Reich but to Erich Rhinemann. A Jew.

Finally, Bobby Ballard:

… he’s a believer … the real Junker item….

‘Oh, my God,’ said David under his breath.

‘You have the advantage, colonel. What is your choice? We’re prepared to

die; I say this in no sense heroically, merely as a fact.’

Spaulding stood motionless. He spoke softly, incredulously. ‘Do you

understand the implications? . . .’

.We’ve understood them,’ interrupted Feld, ‘since that day in Geneva your

Walter Kendall met with Johann Dietricht.’

David reacted as though slapped, ‘Johann … Dietricht?’

‘The expendable heir of Dietricht Fabriken.’

‘J.D.,’ whispered Spaulding, remembering the crumpled yellow pages in

Walter Kendall’s New York office. The breasts, the testicles, the swastikas

… the obscene, nervous scribbings of an


obscene, nervous man. ‘Johann Dietricht … J.D.’

‘Altmilller had him killed. In a way that precluded any .

‘Why?’asked David.

‘To remove any connection with the Ministry of Armaments, is our thought;

any association with the High Command. Dietricht initiated the negotiations

to the point where they could be shifted to Buenos Aires. To Rhinemarm.

With Dietricht’s death the High Command was one more step removed.’

The items raced through David’s mind: Kendall had fled Buenos Aires in

panic; something had gone wrong. The accountant would not allow himself to

be trapped, to be killed. And he, David, was to kill – or have killed –

Erich Rhinemann. Second to the designs, Rhinemann’s death was termed

paramount. And with his death, Washington, too, was ‘one more step removed’

from the exchange.

Yet there was Edmund Pace.

Edmund Pace.


‘A man was killed,’ said David, ‘A Colonel Pace’. . .

‘In Fairfax,’ completed Asher Feld. ‘A necessary death. He was being used

as you are being used. We deal in pragmatics. … Without knowing the

consequences – or refusing to admit them to himself – Colonel Pace was

engineering “Tortugas.

‘You could have told him. Not killed him! You could have stopped it! You


Asher Feld sighed. ‘I’m afraid you don’t understand the hysteria among your

industrialists. Or those of the Reich. He would have been eliminated…. By

removing him ourselves, we neutralized Fairfax. And all its considerable


There was no point in dwelling on the necessity of Pace’s death, thought

David. Feld, the pragmatist, was right: Fairfax had been removed from


‘Then Fairfax doesn’t know.’

‘Our man does. But not enough.’

‘Who is he? Who’s your man in FairfaxT

Feld gestured to his silent companion. ‘He doesn’t know and I won’t tell

you. You may kill me but I won’t tell you.’

Spaulding knew the dark-eyed Jew spoke the truth. ‘If Pace was used … and

me. Who’s using usT

‘I can’t answer that.’

‘You know this much. You must have … thoughts. Tell me.’


‘Whoever gives you orders, I imagine.*

‘One man….’

‘We know. He’s not very good, is he? There are others.’

‘Who? Where does it stop? State? The War Department? The White House?

Where, for Christ’s sake!?’

‘Such territories have no meaning in these transactions. They vanish.’

‘Men don’tl Men don’t vanish!’

‘Then look for those who dealt with Koening. In South Africa. Kendall’s

men. They created “Tortugas.” ‘ Asher Feld’s voice grew stronger. ‘That’s

your affair, Colonel Spaulding. We only wish to stop it. We’ll gladly die

to stop it.’

David looked at the thin-faced, sad-faced man. ‘It means that much? With

what you know, what you believe? Is either side worth itT

‘One r-rust have priorities. Even in lessening descent. If Peenem0nde is

saved … put back on schedule … the Reich has a bargaining power that is

unacceptable to us. Look to Dachau; look to Auschwitz, to Belsen.


David walked around the table and stood in front of the Jews. He put his

Beretta in his shoulder holster and looked at Asher Feld.

‘If you’ve lied to me, I’ll kill you. And then I’ll go back to Lisbon, into

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Categories: Robert Ludlum