Robert Ludlum – Rhinemann Exchange

‘We’re buying,’ said David with quiet emphasis. ‘You’re selling…. Stolen


Stoltz was about to speak but Rhinemann held up his hand.

‘What you are implying is not possible. Our arrangements were made in

complete secrecy; they have been totally successful. And Herr Stoltz is a

confidant of the High Command. More so than the ambassador.’

‘I don’t like repeating myself.’ David spoke angrily. ‘Especially when I’m


‘Leave us, Heinrich,’ said Rhinemann, his eyes on Spaulding.

Stoltz bowed stiffly and walked rapidly, furiously, through the arch into

the great hall.

‘Thank you.’ David shifted his position in the chair and looked up at

several small balconies on the second and third stories of the house. He

wondered how many men were near the windows; watching, prepared to jump if

he made a false move.

‘We’re alone as requested,’ said the German expatriot, hardly concealing

his irritation. ‘What is iff

‘Stoltz is marked,’ said Spaulding. He paused to see what kind of reaction

the financier would register at such news. As he might have expected, there

was none. David continued, thinking perhaps that Rhinemann did not entirely

understand. ‘He’s not being given straight information at the embassy. He

may do better at ours.’

‘Preposterous.’ Rhinemann remained immobile, his narrow eyelids half

squinting, staring at David. ‘On what do you base such an opinion?’

6The Gestapo. Stoltz claims there’s no active Gestapo in Buenos Aires. He’s

wrong. It’s here. it’s active. It’s determined to stop you. Stop Us.’.

Erich Rhinemann’s composure cracked – if only infinitesimally. There was

the slightest, tiny vibration within the rolls of flesh beneath his eyes,

and his stare – if possible, thought David -was harder than before.

‘Please clarify.’

‘I want questions answered first.’

‘You want questions … 7’ Rhinemann’s voice rose, his hand


gripped the table; the veins were pronounced at his greying temples. He

paused and continued as before. ‘Forgive me. I’m not used to conditions.’

‘I’m sure you’re not. On the other hand, I’m not used to dealing with a

contact like Stoltz who’s blind to his own vulnerability. That kind of

person annoys me … and worries me.’

‘These questions. What are theyT

‘I assume the designs have been gotten outT

‘They have.’

‘En routeT

‘They arrive tonight.’

‘You’re early. Our man won’t be here until the day after tomorrow.’

Now it is you who have been given effoneous information, Heff Colonel. The

American scientist, Lyons, will be here tomorrow!

David was silent for several moments. He’d used such a ploy on too many

others in the past to show surprise.

‘He’s expected in San Telmo the day after tomorrow,’ David said. ‘The

change is insignificant but that’s what Kendall told me.’

‘Before he boarded the Phn American Clipper. We spoke subsequently!

‘Apparently he spoke to a lot of people. Is there a point to the changeT

‘Schedules may be slowed or accelerated as the necessities dictate …. I

‘Or altered to throw someone off balance,’ interrupted David.

‘Such is not the case here. There would be no reason. As you phrased it –

most succinctly – we’re selling, you’re buying!

‘And, of course, there’s no reason why the Gestapo’s in Buenos Aires. . .


‘May we return to that subject, pleaseT interjected -Rhinemann.

‘In a mornent,’ answered Spaulding, aware that the German’s temper was

again stretched. ‘I need eighteen hours to get my codes to Washington. They

have to go by courier, under chemical seal.’

‘Stoltz told me. You were foolish. The codes should have been sent. ‘

‘Eine Vorsichtsmassnahme, mein Herr,’said David. ‘Put plainly, I don’t know

who’s been bought at our embassy but I’m damned sure someone has. Codes

have ways of getting sold. The authen-


tic ones will be radioed only when Lyons verifies the designs.i

‘Then you must move quickly. You fly out your codes in the morning; I will

bring the first set of prints to San Telmo tomorrow night…. Eine

Vorsichismassnahme. You get the remaining set when you have assured us

Washington is prepared to make payment in Switzerland … as a result of

receiving your established code. You won’t leave Argentina until I have

word from Berne. There is a small airfield called Mendarro. Near here. My

men control it. Your plane will bd there.’

‘Agreed.’ David crushed out his cigarette. ‘Tomorrow evening, the first set

of prints. The remaining within twenty-foiir hours…. Now we have a

schedule. That’s all I was interested in.’

‘Gut! And now we will return to this Gestapo business.’ Rhinemann leaned

forward in his chair, the veins in his temples once more causing blue

rivulets in his sun-drenched skin. ‘You said you would clarify!’

Spaulding did.

When he was finished, Erich Rhinemann was breathing deeply, steadily.

Within the rolls of flesh, his narrow eyes were furious but controlled.

‘Thank you. I’m sure there is an explanation. We’ll proceed on schedule. .

. . Now, it has been a long and complicated evening. You will be driven

back to C6rdoba. Good night.’

‘Altmillierl’Rhinemann roared. ‘An idiotl A fooll’

‘I don’t understand,’ Stoltz said.

‘Altmilller. . . .’ Rhinemann’s voice subsided but the violence remained.

He turned to the balcony, addressing the vast darkness and the river below.

‘In his insane attempts to, disassociate the High Command from Buenos Aires

… to absolve his precious ministry, he’s caught by his own Gestapo!’

‘There is no Gestapo in Buenos Aires, Herr Rhinemann,’ said Stoltz firmly.

‘The man from Lisbon lies.’

Rhinemann turned and looked at the diplomat. His speech was ice. ‘I know

when a man is lying, Herr Stoltz. This Lisbon told the truth; he’d have no

reason to do otherwise…. So if AltmOller was not caught, he’s betrayed

me. He’s sent in the Gestapo, he has no intention of going through with the

exchange. He’ll take the diamonds and destroy the designs. The Jew-haters

have led me into a trap.’

‘I, myself, am the sole coordinator with Franz Altinaller.’


Stoltz spoke in his most persuasive tones, nurtured for decades in the

Foreign Corps. ‘You, Herr Rhinemann, arranged for that. You have no cause to

question me. The men at the warehouse in Ocho Calle have nearly finished.

The Koening diamonds will be authenticated within a day or two; the courier

will deliver the designs before the night is over. Everything is as we

planned. The exchange will be made.’

Rhinemann turned away again. He put his thick yet delicate hands on the

rafling and looked into the distance. ‘There is one way to be sure,’ he

said quietly. ‘Radio Berlin. I want Altmdller in Buenos Aires. There will

be no exchange otherwise!



The German in the white Palm Beach suit had changed into the paramilitary

dress worn by the Rhinemann guards. The driver was not the same one as

before. He was Argentine.

The automobile was different, too. It was a Bentley six-seater complete

with mahogany dashboard, grey felt upholstery, and window curtains. It was

a vehicle suited to the upper-level British diplomatic service, but not so

high as to be ambassadorial; just eminently respectable. Another Rhinemann

touch, David assumed.

The driver swung the car out onto the dark river highway from the darker

confines of the hidden dirt road. He pressed the accelerator to the floor

and the Bentley surged. The German beside Spaulding offered him a

cigarette; David declined with a shake of his head.

‘You say you wish to be driven to the American embassy, sefior?’ said the

driver, turning his head slightly, not taking his eyes off the onrushing

road. ‘I’m afraid I cannot do so. Sehor Rhinemann’s orders were to bring

you to the apartment house on C6rdoba. Forgive me.’

‘We may not deviate from instructions,’ added the German.

‘Hope you never do. We win the wars that way.’

‘The insult is misdirected. I’m completely indifferent.’

‘I forgot. Habichtsnest is neutral.’ David ended the conversation by

shifting in the seat, crossing his legs and staring in silence


out the window. His only thought was to get to the embassy and to Jean. She

had used the word ‘Tortugas.’

Again the elusive ‘Tortugas’!

How could she know? Was it conceivable she was part of it?

‘Tortugas’ isn’t worth it. Jean had said those words. She had pleaded.

Leslie Hawkwood had pleaded, too. Leslie had traveled four thousand miles

to plead in defiance. Fanatically so.

Get out of Buenos Aires, David!

Was there a connection?

Oh, Christ I he thought. Was there really a connection?


The driver spoke harshly,jolting David’s thoughts. TheGerman instantly –

instinctively – whipped around in his seat and looked out the rear window.

His question was two words.

‘How long?’

‘Too long for doubt. Have you watched?’


‘I passed three automobiles. Without pattern. Then I slowed down, into the

far right lane. He’s with us. Moving up.’

‘We’re in the Hill Two district, yes?’ asked the German.

‘Sl… He’s coming up rapidly. It’s a powerful car; he’ll take us on the


‘Head up into the Colinas Rojas! Take the next road on the right! Any one!’

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Categories: Robert Ludlum