Robert Ludlum – Rhinemann Exchange

And he has a good ear; as do both of his parents, obviously. An aural

memory for musical or linguistic rhythms…. He doesn’t act, he reads.

Almost exclusively in the dialects or the foreign languages he knows



David Spaulding’s excursion into the ‘highly paid radio field’ was solely

motivated by money; he was used to living well. At a time when owners of

engineering companies found it difficult to guarantee themselves a hundred

dollars a week, Spaulding was earning three or four hundred from his ‘radio

work’ alone.

‘As you may have surmised,’ said Mandel, ‘David’s immediate objective is to

bank sufficient monies to start his own company. Immediate, that is, unless

otherwise shaped by world or national conditions. He’s not blind; anyone

who can read a newspaper sees that we are being drawn into the war.’

‘Do you think we should beT

‘I’m a Jew. As far as I’m concerned, we’re late.’

‘This Spaulding. You’ve described what seems to me a very resourceful man.’

‘I’ve described only what you could have found out from any number of

sources. And you have described the conclusion you have drawn from that

surface information. It’s not the whole picture.’ At this point, Pace

recalled, Mandel had gotten out of his chair, avoiding any eye contact, and

walked about his office. He was searching for negatives; he was trying to

find the words that would disqualify ‘his son’ from the government’s

interests. And Pace had been aware of it. ‘What certainly must have struck

you – from what I’ve told you – is David’s preoccupation with himself, with

his comforts, if you wish. Now, in a business sense this might be

applauded; therefore, I disabused you of your concerns for stability.

However, I would not be candid if I didn’t tell you that David is

abnormally headstrong. He operates – I think – quite poorly under

authority. In a word, he’s a selfish man, not given to discipline. It pains

me to say this; I love him dearly. . .

And the more Mandel had talked, the more indelibly did Pace imprint the

word affirmative on Spaulding’s file. Not that he believed for a minute the

extremes of behavior Mandel suddenly ascribed to David Spaulding – no man

could function as ‘stably’ as Spaulding had if it were true. But if it were

only half true, it was no detriment; it was an asset.

The last of the requirements.

For if there were any soldier in the United States Army – in or out of

uniform – who would be called upon to operate solely on his own, without

the comfort of the chain of command, without the knowledge that difficult

decisions could be made by his


superiors, it was the Intelligence officer in Portugal.

The man in Lisbon.

OCTOBER 8,1939


There were no names.

Only numbers and letters.

Numbers followed by letters.

Two-Six-B. Tbree-Five-Y. Five-One-C.

There were no personal histories, no individual backgrounds

. no references to wives, children, fathers, mothers … no countries;

cities, hometowns, schools, universities; there were only bodies and minds

and separate, specific, reacting intelligences.

The lQcation was deep in the Virginia hunt country, 220 acres of fields and

hills and mountain streams. There were sections of dense forest bordering

stretches of fiat grasslands. Swamps – dangerous with body-sucking earth

and hostile inhabitants, reptile and insect – were but feet from sudden

masses of Virginia boulders fronting abrupt inclines.

The area had been selected with care, with precision. It was bordered by a

fifteen-foot-high hurricane fence through which a paralyzing – not lethal

– electrical current flowed continuously; and every twelve feet there was

a forbidding sign that warned observers that this particular section of the

land . . . forest, swamp, grassland and hill … was the exclusive property

of the United States government. Trespassers were duly informed that entry

was not only prohibited, it was exceedingly dangerous. Titles and sections

of the specific laws pertaining to the exclusivity were spelled out along

with the voltage in the fence.

The terrain was as diverse as could be found within a reasonable distance

from Washington. In one way or another – one place or another – it

conformed remarkably to the topography of the locations projected for those

training inside the enormous compound.

The num followed by the letters.


No names.

There was a single gate at the center of the north perimeter, reached by a

back country road. Over the gate, between the opposing guard houses, was a

metal sign. In block letters it read: FELD DrVISION HEADQUARTERS – FAIRFAX.

No other description was given, no purpose identified.

On the front of each guard house were identical signs, duplicates of the

warnings placed every twelve feet in the fence, proclaiming the

exclusivity, the laws and the voltage.

No room for error.

David Spaulding was assigned an identity – his Fairfax identity. He was


No name. Only a number followed by a letter.

7Wo – Five – L.

Translation: his training was to be completed by the fifth day of the

second month. His destination: Lisbon.

It was incredible. In the space of four months a new way of life – of

living – was to be absorbed with such totality that it strained acceptance.

‘You probably won’t make it,’ said Colonel Edmund Pace.

‘I’m not sure I want to,’ had been Spaulding’s reply.

But part of the training was motivation. Deep, solid, ingrained beyond

doubt … but not beyond the psychological reality as perceived by the


With Two-Five-L, the United States government did not wave flags and roar

espousiMs of patriotic causes. Such methods would not be meaningful; the

candidate had spent his formative years outside the country in a

sophisticated, international environment. He spoke the language of the

enemy-to-be; he knew them as people – taxi drivers, grocers, bankers,

lawyers – and the vast majority of those he knew were not the Germans

fictionalized by the propaganda machines. Instead – and this was Fairfax’s

legitimate hook – they were goddamned fools being led by psychopathic

criminals. The leaders were, indeed, fanatics, and the overwhelming

evidence clearly established their crimes beyond doubt. Those crimes

included wanton, indiscriminate murder, torture and genocide.

Beyond doubt.




Too, there was Adolf Hitler.

Adolf Hitler killed Jews. By the thousands – soon to be millions if his

final solutions were read accurately.

Aaron Mandel was a Jew. His other ‘father’ was a Jew; the ‘father’ he loved

more than the parent. And the goddamned fools tolerated an exclamation

point after the word Juden!

David Spaulding could bring himself to hate the goddarnned fools – the taxi

drivers, the grocers, the bankers, the lawyers -without much compunction

under the circumstances.

Beyond this very rational approach, Fairfax utilized a secondary

psychological ‘weapon’ that was standard in the compound; for some more

than others, but it was never absent.

The trainees at Fairfax had a common gift – or flaw – depending on one’s

approach. None was accepted without it.

A highly developed sense of competition; a thrust to win.

There was no question about it; arrogance was not a despised commodity at


I With David Spaulding’s psychological profile – a dossier increasingly

accepted by the Intelligence Division – the Fairfax commanders recognized

that the candidate-in-training for Lisbon had a soft core which the field

might harden – undoubtedly would harden if he lived that long – but whatever

advances could be made in the compound, so much the better. Especially for

the subject.

Spaulding was confident, independent, extremely versatile in his

surroundings … all to the very good; but Two-Five-L had a weakness. There

was within his psyche a slowness to take immediate advantage, a hesitancy

to spring to the kill when the odds were his. Both verbally and physically.

Colonel Edmund Pace saw this inadequacy by the third week of training.

Two-Five-L’s abstract code of fairness would never do in Lisbon. And

Colonel Pace knew the answer.

The mental adjustment would be made through the physical processes.

‘Seizures, Holds and Releases’ was the insipid tide of the course. It

disguised the most arduous physical training at Fairfax: hand-to-hand

combat. Knife, chain, wire, needle, rope, fingers, knees, elbows … never

a gun.

Reaction, reaction, reaction.

Except when one initiated the assault.


Two-Five-L had progressed nicely. He was a large man but possessed the

quick coordination usually associated with a more compact person. Therefore

his progress had to be stymied; the man himself humiliated. He would learn

the practical advantages of the odds.

From smaller, more arrogant men.

Colonel Edmund Pace ‘borrowed’ from the British commando units the best

they had in uniform. They were flown over by the Bomber Ferry Command;

three bewildered ‘specialists’ who were subtly introduced to the Fairfax

compound and given their instructions.

‘Kick the shit out of Two-Five-L.’

They did. For many weeks of sessions.

And then they could not do so with impunity any longer.

David Spaulding would not accept the humiliation; he was becon-dng as good

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Categories: Robert Ludlum