Robert Ludlum – Rhinemann Exchange

he be the banker I referred to yesterday?’

‘He’ll make certain arrangements relative to my instructions.’ David did

not conceal his reluctance to go into the matter of Walter Kendall. On the

other hand, he instinctively found him-


self offering a token clarification to Jean Cameron. ‘My primary job-here is

to act as liaison between financial people in New York and London and

banking interests here in Buenos … BA.’David smiled; he hoped as genuinely

as Jean smiled. ‘I think it’s a little silly. I don’t know a debit from an

asset. But Washington okayed me. The ambassador is worried that I’m too


Spaulding quickly shifted his gaze to Granville, reminding the old man that

‘banking interests’ was the limit of identities. The name of Erich

Rhinemann was out of bounds.

‘Yes, I admit, I was…. But that9s neither here nor there. What do you

wish to do about last night? I think we should lodge a formal complaint

with the police. Not that it will do a d

bit of good.’

David fell silent for a few moments, trying to consider the pros and cons

of Granville’s suggestion. ‘Would we get press coverage?9

‘Very little, I’d think,’ answered Jean.

‘Embassy attach6s usually have money,’ said Granville. ‘They’ve been

robbed. It will be called an attempted robbery. Probably was.’ –

‘But the Grupo doesn’t like that kind of news. It doesn’t fit in with the

colonels’ view of things, and they control the press.’ Jean was thinking

out loud, looking at David. ‘They’ll play it down.’

‘And if we don’t complain -assuming it was not robbery -we’re admitting we

think it was something else. Which I’m not prepared to do,’ said Spaulding.

‘Then by all means, a formal complaint will be registered this morning.

Will you dictate a report of the incident and sign it, pleaseT Obviously,

Granville wished to terminate the meeting. ‘And to be frank with you,

Spaulding, unless I’m considerably in the dark, I believe it was an attempt

to rob a newly arrived rich American. I’m told the airport taxi drivers

have formed a veritable thieves’ carnival. Extranieros would be perfectly

logical participants.’

David stood up; he was pleased to see that Jean did the same. ‘I’ll accept

that, Mr. Ambassador. The years in Lisbon have made me overly …

concerned. I’ll adjust.’

11 daresay. Do write up the report.’

‘Yes, sir.’

41111 ga him a stenographer,’ said Jean. ‘Bilingual.’


‘Not necessary. I’ll dictate it in Spanish.’

‘I forgot! Jean snufled. ‘Bobby said they’d sent us a bright one.,

David supposed it began with that first lunch. Later she told him it was

before, but he didn’t believe her. She claimed it was when he said that BA

stood for Montevideo; that was silly, it didn’t make sense.

What made sense – and they both recognized it without any attempt to

verbalize it – was the total relaxation each felt in the other’s company.

It was as simple as that. It was a splendid comfort; the silences never

awkward, the laughter easy and based in communicated humor, not forced


It was remarkable. Made more so, David believed, because neither expected

it, neither sought it. Both had good and sufficient reasons to avoid any

relationships other than surface or slightly below. He was an impermanent

man, hoping only to survive and start somewhere againwithaclear head and

suppressed memories. That was’important to him. And he knew she still

mourned a man so deeply she couldn’t possibly – without intolerable guilt

-push that man’s face and body and mind behind her.

She told him partially why herself. Her husband had not been the image of

the dashing carrier pilot so often depicted by navy public relations. He’d

had an extraordinary fear – not for himself – but of taking lives. Were it

not for the abuse he knew would have been directed at his Maryland wife and

Maryland family, Cameron would have sought conscientious objector status.

Then, too, perhaps he hadn’t the courage of his own convictions.

Why a pilot?

Cameron had been flying since he was in his teens. It seemed natural and he

believed his civilian training might lead to a Stateside instructor’s

berth. He rejected military law; too many of his fellow attorneys had gone

after it and found themselves in the infantry and on the decks of

battleships. The military had enough lawyers; they wanted pilots.

David thought he understood why Jean told him so much about her dead

husband. There were two reasons. The first was that by doing so openly, she

was adjusting to what she felt was happening between them; atoning,

perhaps. The second was less clear but in no way less important. Jean

Cameron hated the war; hated it for what it had taken away from her. She

wanted him


to know that.

Because – David realized – her instincts told her he was very much

involved. And she would have no part of that involvement; she owed that

much to Cameron’s memory.

They’d gone to lunch at a restaurant overlooking the waters of the

Riach6elo Basin near the piers of DArsena Sud. She had suggested it – the

restaurant and the lunch. She saw that he was still exhausted; what sleep

he’d managed had been interrupted constantly with pain. She insisted that

he needed a long, relaxing lunch, then home to bed and a day’s


She hadn’t meant to go with him.

He hadn’t meant for her to.

‘Ballard’s a nice guy,’ said Spaulding, pouring a clear white Col6n.

‘Bobby’s a dear,’ she agreed. ‘He’s a kind person.’

‘He’s very fond of you.’

‘And I of him…. What you’re speculating on is perfectly natural, and I’m

sorry to spoil the wilder melody. Is melody right? Granville told me who

your parents were. I’m impressed!

‘I’ve refused to read music since the age of eight. But “melody’s” fine. I

just wondered!

‘Bobby gave me a thoroughly professional try, with enormous charm and good

humor. A better girl would have responded. He had every right to be angry.

. . . I wanted his company but gave very little in return for it.’

:He accepted your terms,’ said David affirmatively.

I said he was kind.’

‘There must be ten other fellows here. . .

‘Plus the marine guard,’ interjected Jean, feigning a lovely, unmilitary

salute. ‘Don’t forget them.’

‘A hundred and ten, then. You’re Deanna Durbin!

‘Hardly. The marines rotate off the FMF base south of La Boca; the staff –

those without wives and kinder – are plagued with the embassy syndrome!

‘What’s that?’

‘State Department-eye-tis…. The quivers. You seem to be singularly

lacking in them.’

‘I don’t know whether I am or not. I don’t know what they are.’

‘Which tells me something about you, doesn’t it?’

‘What does it tell you?’

‘You’re not a State Department climber. The “eye-tis”


syndrome is treading lightly and making damned sure everybody above you –

especially the ambassador – is happy with your sincerest efforts.’Jean

grimaced like a boxer puppy, her delicate chin forward, her eyebrows down –

mocking the words. Spaulding broke out laughing; the girl had captured the

embassy look and voice with devastating accuracy.

‘Christ, I’m going to put you on the radio.’ He laughed again. ‘You’ve

described the syndrome. I see it, Lord! I see it P

‘But you’re not infected by it.’ Jean stopped her min-dcry and looked into

his eyes. ‘I watched you with Granville; you were just barely polite. You

weren1 looking for a fitness report, were youT

He returned her gaze. ‘No, I wasn’t…. To answer the question that’s

rattling around that lovely head of yours so loud it vibrates – I’m not a

Foreign Service career officer. I’m strictly wartime. I do work out of

embassies on a variety of related assignments for a couple of related

reasons. I speak four languages and because of those parents that impressed

you so, I have what is euphemistically described as access to important

people in goverm-nent, commerce, those areas. Since I’m not a complete

idiot, I often circulate confidential information among corporations in

various countries. The market place doesn’t stop humn-dng for such

inconveniences as war. . . . That’s my contri. bution. I’m not very proud

of it, but it’s what they handed me.’

She smiled her genuine smile and reached for his hand. V think you do

whatever you do very intelligently and well. There aren’t many people who

can say that. And God.knows you can’t choose.’

I “What did you do in the war, daddy?” . . . “Well, son,”

David tried his own caricature. ‘ “I went from place to place telling

friends of the Chase Bank to sell high and buy low and clear a decent profit

margin.” ‘ He kept her hand in his.

‘And got attacked on Argentine rooftops and … and what were those

stitches in your shoulder?’

‘The cargo plane I was on in the Azores made a rotten landing. I think the

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Categories: Robert Ludlum