Robert Ludlum – Rhinemann Exchange

The second item was a man named AltmUller. He had to find a man named Franz

AltmUller; find out who he was, what he meant to the unfocused picture.

David lay down on the bed; he didn’t have the energy to remove his clothes,

even his shoes. He brought his arm up to shade his eyes from the afternoon

sun streaming in the hotel windows. The afternoon sun of the first day of

the new year, 1944.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes in the black void of tweed cloth. There was a

third item. Inextricably bound to the man named Altm(Iller.

What the hell did ‘Tortugas’ mean?



JANUARY 2, 1944


Eugene Lyons sat at a drafting board in the bare office. He was in

shirtsleeves. There were blueprints strewn about on tables. The bright

morning sun bouncing off the white walls gave the room the antiseptic

appearance of a large hospital cubicle.

And Euge ne Lyons’s face and body did nothing to discourage

such thoughts.

David had followed Kendall through the door, apprehensive at the

forthcoming introduction. He would have preferred not knowing anything

about Lyons.

The scientist turned on the stool. He was among the thinnest men Spaulding

had ever seen. The bones were surrounded by flesh, not protected by it.

Light blue veins were in evidence throughout the hands, arms, neck and

temples. The skin wasn’t old, it was worn out. The eyes were deep-set but

in no way duU or flat; they were alert and, in their own way, penetrating.

His straight grey hair was thinned out before its time; he could have been

any age.within a twenty-year span.

There was, however, one quality about the man that seemed specific:

disinterest. He acknowledged the intrusion, obviously knew who David was,

but made no move to interrupt his concentration.

Kendall forced the break. ‘Eugene, this is Spaulding. You show him where to


And with those words Kendall turned on his heel and went out


the door, closing it behind him.

David stood across the room from Lyons. He took the necessary steps and

extended his hand. He knew exactly what he was going to say.

‘It’s an honor to meet you, Dr. Lyons. I’m no expert in your field, but

I’ve heard about your work at MIT. I’m lucky to have you spread the wealth,

even if it’s only for a short time.’

There was a slight, momentary flicker of interest in the eyes. David had

gambled on a simple greeting that told the emaciated scientist several

things, among which was the fact that David was aware of Lyons’s tragedy in

Boston – thus, undoubtedly, the rest of his story – and was not inhibited

by it.

Lyons’s grip was limp; the disinterest quickly returned. Disinterest, not

necessarily rudeness. On the borderline.

‘I know we haven’t much time and 19m a neophyte in gyroscopics,’ said

Spaulding, releasing the hand, backing off to the side of the drafting

board. ‘But I’m told I don’t have to recognize much more than pretty basic

stuff ; be able to verbalize in German the terms and formulas you write out

for me.’

David emphasized – with the barest rise in his voice – the words verbalize

… you write out for me. He watched Lyons to see if there was any reaction

to his open acknowledgment of the scientist’s vocal problem. He thought he

detected a small hint of relief.

Lyons looked up at him. The thin lips flattened slightly against the teeth;

there was a short extension at the comers of the mouth and the scientist

nodded. There was even an infinitesimal glint of appreciation in the

deep-set eyes. He got up from his stool and crossed to the nearest table

where several books lay on blueprints, He picked up the top volume and

handed it to Spaulding. The title on the cover was Diagrammatics: Inertia

and Precession.

David knew it would be all right.

It was past six o’clock.

Kendall had gone; the receptionist had bolted at the stroke of five, asking

David to close the doors if he was the last person to leave. If not, tell

one of the others.

The ‘others’ were Eugene Lyons and his two male nurses.

Spaulding met them – the male nurses – briefly in the reception room. Their

names were Hal and Johnny. Both were large men; the talkative one was Hal,

the leader was Johnny, an ex-mariw~


‘The old guy is on his real good behavior,’ said Hal. ‘Nothing to worry


‘It’s time to get him back to St. Luke’s,’ said Johnny. ‘They get pissed

off if he’s too late for the night meal.’

Together the men went into Lyons’s office and brought him out. They were

polite with the cadaverous physicist, but firm. Eugene Lyons looked

indifferently at Spaulding, shrugged and walked silently out the door with

his two keepers.

David waited until he heard the sound of the elevator in the hallway. Then

he put down the Diagrammatics volume the physicist had given him on the

receptionist’s desk and crossed to Walter Kendall’s office.

The door was locked, which struck him as strange. Kendall was on his way to

Buenos Aires, he might not be back for several weeks. Spaulding withdrew a

small object from his pocket and knelt down. At first glance, the

instrument in David’s hand appeared to be an expensive silver pocket knife,

the sort so often found at the end of an expensive key chain, especially in

very expensive men’s clubs. It wasn’t. It was a locksmith’s pick designed

to give that appearance. It had been made in London’s Silver Vaults, a gift

from an MI-5 counterpart in Lisbon.

David spun out a tiny cylinder with a flat tip and inserted it into the

lock housing. In less than thirty seconds the appropriate clicks were heard

and Spaulding opened the door. He walked in, leaving it ajar.

Kendall’s office had no file cabinets, no closets, no bookshelves; no

recesses whatsoever other than the desk drawers. David turned on the

fluorescent reading lamp at the far edge of the blotter and opened the top

center drawer.

He had to stifle a genuine laugh. Surrounded by an odd assortment of paper

clips, toothpicks, loose Lifesavers, and note paper were two pornographic

magazines. Although marked with dirty fingerprints, both were fairly new.

Merry Christmas, Walter Kendall, thought David a little sadly.

The side drawers were empty, at least there was nothing of interest. In the

bottom drawer lay crumpled yellow pages of note paper, meaningless doodles

drawn with a hard pencil, piercing the pages.

He was about to get up and leave when he decided to look once more at the

incoherent patterns on the crumpled paper. There was nothing else; Kendall

had locked his office door out


of reflex, not necessity. And again by reflex, perhaps, he had put the

yellow pages -not in a wastebasket, which had only the contents of emptied

ashtrays – but in a drawer. Out of sight.

David knew he was reaching. There was no choice; he wasn’t sure what he was

looking for, if anything.

He spread two of the pages on top of the blotter, pressingthe surfaces



Well, something. Outlines of women’s breasts and genitalia. Assorted

circles and arrows, diagrams: a psychoanalyst’s paradise.

He removed another single page and pressed it out. More circles, arrows,

breasts. Then to one side, childlike outlines of clouds – billowy, shaded;

diagonal marks that could be rain or multiple sheets of thin lightning.


Another page.

It caught David’s eye. On the bottom of the soiled yellow page, barely

distinguishable between criss-cross penciling, was the outline of a large

swastika. He looked at it closely. The swastika had circles at the

right-hand points of the insignia, circles that spun off as if the artist

were duplicating the ovals of a Palmer writing exercise. And flowing out of

these ovals were unmistakable initials. JD. Then Joh D., J Diet…. The

letters appeared at the end of each oval line. And beyond the final letters

in each area were elaborately drawn ? ? ?

David folded the paper carefully and put it in his jacket pocket. There were

two remaining pages, so he took them out simultaneously. The page to the

left had only one large, indecipherable scribble – once more circular, now

angry – and meaningless. But on the second paper, again toward the bottom of

the page,

was a series of scroll-like markings that could be interpreted as is and Ds,

similar in flow to the letters after the swastika points on the second page.

And opposite the final D was a strange horizontal obelisk, its taper on the

right. There were lines on the side as though they were edges…. A bullet,

perhaps, with bore markings. Underneath, on the next line of the paper to

the left, were the same oval motions that brought to mind the Palmer

exercise. Only they were firmer here, pressed harder into the yellow paper.

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Categories: Robert Ludlum