Robert Ludlum – Rhinemann Exchange

Their eyes locked.

‘Franz AltmUller, Ministry of Armaments. Berlin,’ said David.

‘Colonel David Spaulding. Fairfax. Late of Portugal. The man in Lisbon,’

said Altmillier.

‘You are jackals,’ added Rhinemann, ‘who fight as traitors fight and

dishonor your houses. I say this to you both. For both to hear. Now, as you

say, colonel, we shall get on with it.,

Stoltz took Lyons below to the manicured lawn by the pool. There, at a

large, round table, a Rhinemann guard stood with a metal attach6 case in

his hand. Lyons sat down, his back to the balcony; the guard lifted the

case onto the table.

‘Open it,’ commanded Erich Rhinemann from above.

The guard did so; Lyons took out the plans and spread them on the table.

Altmaller spoke. ‘Remain with him, Stoltz.’

Stoltz looked up, bewildered. However, he did not speak. He walked to the

edge of the pool and sat in a deck chair, his eyes fixed on Lyons.

AltmUller turned to Jean. ‘May I have a word with the colonel, please?’

Jean looked at Spaulding. She took her hand from his and walked to the far

end of the balcony. Rhinemann remained in the center, staring down at


‘For both our sakes,’ said Altmtlller, ‘I think you should tell me what

happened in San Telmo.’

David watched the German closely. Altmfiller was not lying; he was not

trying to trap him. He did not know about the Haganah. About Asher Feld. It

was Spaulding’s only chance.

‘Gestapo.’said David, giving the lie the simplicity of conviction.

‘Impossible!’ Altmfiller spat out the word. ‘You know that’s impossible! I

am here!’

‘I’ve dealt with the Gestapo – in various forms – for nearly four years. I

know the enemy…. Grant me that much credit.’

‘You’re wrong! There’s no possible way!’

‘You’ve spent too much time in the ministry, not enough in the field. Do

you want a professional analysis?’

‘What is iff


David leaned against the railing. ‘You’ve been had.’

‘ What?’

‘Just as I’ve been had. By those who employ our considerable talents. In

Berlin and Washington. There’s a remarkable coincidence,too…. They both

have the same initials…. A.S.’

Altmifller stared at Spaulding, his blue eyes penetrating, his mouth parted

slightly – in disbelief. He spoke the name under his breath.

-Albert Speer. . .

-Alan Swanson.’ countered David softly.

‘It can’t be,’ said Altmfiller with less conviction than he wished to

muster. ‘He doesn’t know. . . .’

‘Don’t go into the field without some advanced training. You won’t last….

Why do you think I offered to make a deal with RhinemannT

Altmaller was listening but not listening. He took his eyes from Spaulding,

seemingly consumed with the pieces of an incredible puzzle. ‘If what you

say is true – and by no means do I agree – the codes would not be sent, the

transfer aborted. There would be no radio silence; your fleet cruising,

radar and aircraft in 6peration. Everything lost!’

David folded his arms in front of him. It was the moment when the lie would

either be bought or rejected out of hand. He knew it; he felt as he had

felt scores of times in the north country when the lie was the keystone.

‘Your side plays rougher than mine. It goes with the New Order. My people

won’t kill me; they just want to make sure I don’t know anything. All they

care about are those designs…. With you it’s different. Your people keep

their options open.’

David stopped and smiled at Rhinemann, who had turned from his sentry

position by the balcony and was looking at them. Altmijller kept his eyes

on Spaulding . . . the inexperienced .runner’ being taught, thought David.

‘And in your judgment, what are these optionsT

‘A couple I can think of,’ replied Spaulding. ‘Immobilize me, force in

another code man at the last minute, substitute faulty blueprints; or get

the diamonds out from Ocho Calle some other way than by water – difficult

with those crates, but not impossible.’

‘Then why should I not let these options be exercised? You tempt me.9

Spaulding had been glancing up, at nothing. Suddenly he


turned and looked at AltmOller. ‘Don’t ever go into the field; you won’t

last a day. Stay at your ministry.’

‘What does that meanr

‘Any alternate strategy used, you’re dead. You’re a liability now. You

“dealt” with the enemy. Speer knows it, the Gestapo knows it. Your only

chance is to use what you know. Just like me. Youfor your life; me for a

great deal of money. Christ knows the aircraft companies will make a pile;

I deserve some of it.’

AltmOller took two steps to the railing and stood alongside David, looking

down at the distant river below. ‘It’s an so pointless.’

‘Not when you think about it,’ said Spaulding. ‘Something for nothing never

is in this business!

David, staring straight ahead, could feel AltmOller’s eyes abruptly on him.

He could sense the new thought coming into focus in Altmaller’s mind.

‘Your generosity may be your undoing, colonel…. We can still have

something for nothing. And 1, a hero’s medal from the Reich. We have you.

Mrs. Cameron. The physicist’s expendable, I’m sure. . . . You will send the

codes. You were willing to negotiate for money. Surely you’ll negotiate for

your lives.’

Like Altmaller, David stared straight ahead when he replied. His arms still

folded, he was irritatingly relaxed, as he knew he had to be. ‘Those

negotiations have been concluded. If Lyons approves the blueprints, I’ll

send the codes when he and Mrs. Cameron are back at the embassy. Not


‘You’ll send them when I order you to.’ Altmifller was finding it difficult

to keep his voice low. Rhinemarm looked over again but made no move to

interfere. Spaulding understood. Rhinemann was toying with his jackals.

‘Sorry to disappoint you,’ said David.

‘Then extremely unpleasant things will happen. To Mrs. Cameron first.’

‘Give it up.’ David sighed. ‘Play by the original rules. You haven’t a


‘You talk confidently for a man alone.’

Spaulding pushed himself off the railing and turned, facing the German. He

spoke barely above a whisper. ‘You really are a goddamned fool. You

wouldn’t last an hour in Lisbon…. Do you think I drove in here without

any backups? Do you think Rhinemann expected me to? … We men in the field

are very


cautious, very cowardly; were not heroic at all. We don’t blow up buildings

if there’s a chance we’ll still be inside. We won’t destroy an enemy bridge

unless there’s another way back to our side.’

‘You are alone. There are no bridges left for you!’

David looked at Altmilller as if appraising a bad cut of meat, then glanced

at his watch. ‘Your Stolz was a fool. If I don’t make a call within fifteen

minutes, there’ll be a lot of busy telephones resulting in God knows how

many very official automobiles driving out to Lujin. I’m a military attach6

stationed at the American embassy. I accompanied the ambassador’s daughter

to Lujin. That’s enough.’

‘That’s preposterous! This is a neutral city. Rhinemann would. . .’

‘Rhinemann would open the gates and throw the jackals out,’ interrupted

Spaulding quietly and very calmly. ‘We’re liabilities both of us.

“Tortugas” could blow up in his postwar face. Hes not going to allow that.

Whatever he thinks of the systems, yours or mine, it doesn’t matter. Only

one thing matters to him: the cause of Erich Rhinemann…. I thought you

knew that. You picked him.’

Altmaller was breathing steadily, a bit too deeply, thought David. He was

imposing a control on himself and he was only barely succeeding.

‘You … have made arrangements to send the codes? From hereT

The lie was bought. The keystone was now in place.

‘The rules are back in force. Radio and radar silence. No air strikes on

surfacing submarines. No interception of trawlers … under Paraguayan

flags entering the coastal zones. We both win…. Which do you want,


AltmUller turned back to the railing and placed his hands on the marble

top. His fingers were rigid against the stone. The tailored folds of his

white Palm Beach suit were starchly immobile. He looked down at the river

and spoke.

‘The rules of “Tortugas” are reinstated.’

‘I have a telephone call to make.’ said David.

‘I expected you would,’ replied Rhinemann, looking contemptuously at Franz

AltmUller. ‘I have no stomach for an embassy kidnapping. It serves no one.’


‘Don’t be too harsh,’ said Spaulding agreeably. ‘It got me here in record


‘Make your call.’ Rhinemann pointed to a telephone on a table next to the

archway. ‘Your conversation will be amplified, of course.’

‘Of course,’ answered David, walking to the phone.

‘Radio room. . . ‘came the words from the unseen speakers.

‘This is Lieutenant Colonel Spaulding, military attach6,’ said David,

interrupting Ballard’s words.

There was the slightest pause before Ballard replied.

‘Yes, sir, Colonel Spaulding?’

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Categories: Robert Ludlum