Robert Ludlum – Rhinemann Exchange

years ago before approaching David for Lisbon; that would mean he could

reasonably avoid any


lengthy discussions about his work.

And Aaron might be able to help him, should he need the old man’s

particular kind of assistance. Mandel’s New York contacts were damn near

inexhaustible. David would know more after he reached Bernardsville; and it

would be less awkward to have made his duty call to Aaron before asking


At first Spaulding thought the old man would have a coronary over the

telephone. Aaron’s voice choked, conveying his shock, his concern … and

his love. The questions came faster than David could answer them; his

mother, his father, his own wellbeing.

Mandel did not ask him about his work, but neither would he be satisfied

that David was as healthy as he claimed. Aaron insisted on a meeting, if

not this evening then certainly tomorrow.

David agreed. In the morning, late morning. They would have a drink

together, perhaps a light lunch; welcome the New Year together.

‘God be praised. You are well. You’ll come around tomorrowT

11 promise,’ David said.

‘And you’ve never broken a promise to me.’

‘I won’t. Tomorrow. And Aaron . .


‘It’s possible I may need to find someone tonight. I’m not sure where to

look but probably among the Social Register crowd. How are your Park Avenue


The old man chuckled in the quiet, good-humored, slightly arrogant way

David remembered so well. ‘I’m the only Jew with a Torah stand in St. John

the Divine. Everybody wants an artist – for nothing, of course. Red Cross,

green cross; debutantes for war bandages, dances for fancy-sounding French

medal winners. You name it, Mandel’s on the hook for it. I got three

coloraturas, two pianists and five Broadway baritones making appearances

for “our boys” tonight. All on the Upper East Side.’

‘I may call you in a little while. Will you still be at the office?’

‘Where else? For soldiers and concert managers, when are the holidaysT

‘You haven’t changed.’

‘The main thing is that you’re well. . .

No sooner had David hung up the phone than it rang.

‘I have the telephone number and the address of your party in

Bernardsville, Mr. Spaulding.’


‘May I have them, please?’

The operator gave him the information and he wrote it down on the

ever-present stationery next to the phone.

‘Shall I put the call through, sir?’

David hesitated, then said, ‘Yes, please. I’ll stay on the line. Ask for a

Mrs. Hawkwood, please.’

.Mrs. Hawkwood. Very well, sir. But I can call you back when I have the


‘I’d rather stay on an open circuit. . . .’ David caught himself, but not

in time. The blunder was minor but confirmed by the operator. She replied

in a knowing voice.

‘Of course, Mr. Spaulding. I assume if someone other than Mrs. Hawkwood

answers, you’ll wish to terminate the call?’

‘I’ll let you know.’

The operator, now part of some sexual conspiracy, acted her role with firm

efficiency. She dialed the outsideoperator and in moments a phone could be

heard ringing in Bernardsville, New Jersey. A woman answered; it was not


‘Mrs. Hawkwood, please.’

‘Mrs …. ‘ The voice on the Bernardsville line seemed hesitant.

‘Mrs. Hawkwood, please. Long distance cafling,9 said the Montgomery

operator, as if she were from the telephone company, expediting a

person-to-person call.

‘Mrs. Hawkwood isn’t here, operator.’

‘Can you tell me what time she’s expected, please?’

‘What time? Good heavens, she’s not expected. At least, I didn’t think she

was. . . .’

Not fazed, the Montgomery employee continued, interrupting politely. ‘Do

you have a number where Mrs. Hawkwood can be reached, please?’

‘Well . . .’ The voice in Bernardsville was now bewildered. ‘I suppose in

California. . . .’

David knew it was time to intercede. ‘I’ll speak to the party on the line~


‘Very well, sir.’ There was a ther-ump sound indicating the switchboard’s

disengagement from the circuit.

‘Mrs. Jenner?’

‘Yes, this is Mrs. Jenner,’ answered Bernardsville, obviously relieved with

the more familiar name.

‘My name is David Spaulding, I’m a friend of Leslie’s and

.’ Jesus! He’d forgotten the husband’s first name. Captain


Hawkwood’s. I was given this number. . . .’

‘Well, David Spaulding! How are you, dear? This is Madge Jenner, you silly

boy! Good heavens, it must be eight, ten years ago. How’s your father and

mother? I hear they’re living in London. So very brave!’

Christl thought Spaulding, it never occurred to him that Leslie’s mother

would remember two East Hampton months almost a decade ago. ‘Oh, Mrs.

Jenner…. They’re fine. I’m sorry to disturb you. . . .’

‘You could never disturb us, you dear boy. We’re just, a couple of old

stablehands out here. James has doubled our colors; no one wants to keep

horses anymore…. You thought Leslie was hereT

‘Yes, that’s what I was told.’

‘I’m sorry to say she’s not. To be quite frank, we rarely hear from her.

She moved to California, you know.’

‘Yes, with her aunt.’

‘Only half-aunt, dear. My stepsister; we’ve not gotten along too well, I’m

afraid. She married a Jew. He calls himself Goldsmith – hardly a disguise

for Goldberg or Goldstein, is it? We’re convinced he’s in the black market

and all that profiteering, if you know what I mean.’

‘Oh? Yes, I see…. Then Leslie didn’t come East to visit you for


‘Good heavens, no I She barely managed to send us a card . . .

He was tempted to call Ed Pace in Fairfax; inform the Intelligence head

that California G-2 had come up with a Bernardsville zero. But there was no

point. Leslie Jenner Hawkwood was in New York.

He had to find out why.

He called Mandel back and gave him two names: Leslie’s and Cindy Tottle

Bonner, widow of Paul Bonner, hero. Without saying so, David indicated that

his curiosity might well be more professional than personal. Mandel did not

question; he went to work.

Spaulding realized that he could easily phone Cindy Bonner, apologize and

ask to see her. But he couldn’t risk her turning him down; which she

probably would do in light of the crude telephone call he had placed two

nights ago. There simply wasn’t the time. He’d have to see her, trust the

personal contact.


And even then she might not be able to tell him anything. Yet there were

certain instincts one developed and came to recognize. Inverted,

convoluted, irrational…. Atavistic.

Twenty minutes passed; it was quarter to three. His telephone rang.



‘This Hawkwood lady, there’s absolutely nothing. Everyone says she moved to

California and nobody’s heard a word…. Mrs. Paul Bonner: there’s a

private party tonight, on Sixtysecond Street, name of Warfield. Number


:Thanks. I’ll wait outside and crash it with my best manners.’

No need for that. You have an invitation. Personal from the lady of the

house. Her name’s Andrea and she’s delighted to entertain the soldier son

of the famous you-know-who. She also wants a soprano in February, but

that’s my problem.’




The dinner clientele from the Gallery could have moved intact to the

Warfield brownstone on Sixty-second Street. David mixed easily. The little

gold emblem in his lapel served its purpose; he was accepted more readily,

he was also more available. The drinks and buffet were generous, the small

Negro jazz combo better than good.

And he found Cindy Bonner in a comer, waiting for her escortan army

lieutenant -to come back from the bar. She was petite, with reddish hair

and very light, almost pale skin. Her, posture was Vogue, her body slender,

supporting very expensive, very subdued clothes. There was a pensive look

about her; not sad, however. Not the vision of a hero’s widow, not heroic

at all. A rich little girl.

‘I have a sincere apology to make,’ he told her. ‘I hope you’ll accept it.’

‘I can’t imagine what for. I don’t think we’ve met.’ She smiled but not

completely, as if his presence triggered a memory she could not define.

Spaulding saw the look and understood. It was his voice. The voice that

once had made him a good deal of money.

‘My name is Spaulding. David . .

‘You telephoned the other night,’ interrupted the girl, her eyes angry.

‘Tbe Christmas gifts for Paul. Leslie . . .’

‘Thafs why I’m apologizing. It was all a terrible misunder-


standing. Please forgive me. It’s not the sort of joke I’d enter into

willingly; I was as angry as you were.’ He spoke calmly, holding her eyes

with his own. It was sufficient; she blinked, trying to understand, her

anger fading. She looked briefly at the tiny brass eagle in his lapel, the

small insignia that could mean just about anything.

‘I think I believe you.’

‘You should. It was sick; I’m not sick.’

The army lieutenant returned carrying two glasses. He was drunk and

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Categories: Robert Ludlum