The Bad Place by Dean R. Koontz

was still loose to do more killing, maybe even doing to Julie what it’d

done to Derek.

The hurt, the fear for himself, the fear for Julie-all of it was too

much. Thomas gripped the footboard of his own bed and closed his eyes

and tried to get air into himself. It wouldn’t come. His chest was

tight. Then the air came in, and so did an ugly-nasty smell, which in a

while he realized was the stink of Derek’s blood, so he gagged and

almost puked.

He knew he had to Get Control of Himself. The aides didn’t like it when

you Lost Control of Yourself, so they Gave You Something For Your Own

Good. He’d never Lost Control before and didn’t want to lose it now.

He tried not to smell the blood. Took long deep breaths. Made himself

open his eyes to look at the dead body. He figured looking at it the

second time wouldn’t be as bad as the first. He knew it was going to be

there this time, so it wouldn’t be such a big surprise.

The surprise was-the body was gone.

Thomas closed his eyes, put one hand to his face, looked again between

spread fingers. The body still wasn’t there.

He started shaking because what he thought, first, was that this was

like some other TV stories he’d seen where nasty-dead bodies were

walking around like live bodies, rotting and getting wormy, with bones

showing in places, killing people for no reason and even sometimes

eating them. He wasn’t much for one of those stories. He sure didn’t

want to be in one. He was so scared he almost sent to Bobby-Dead

people, look out, look out, dead people hungry and mean and walking

around-but stopped himself when he saw there wasn’t blood on Derek’s

blankets and sheets. The bed wasn’t rumpled, their. Neatly made. No

walking dead person was quick enough to get out of bed, change sheets

and blankets, make everything right just in the few little seconds while

Thomas’s eyes were closed. Then he heard the shower pouring down on the

floor of the stall in the bathroom, and he heard Derek singing the way

he always did when he washed himself. For just a moment, in his head,

Thomas had a picture of a dead person taking a shower, trying to be

neat, but rotten chunks were falling off with the dirt, showing more

bones, clogging the drain. Then he realized Derek was never really

dead, Thomas hadn’t really seen a body on the bed. What he’d seen was

something he’d learned from TV stories-he’d seen a vision. A Psychic

vision. He was a sidekick.

Derek hadn’t been killed. What Thomas saw, just for a moment, was Derek

being dead tomorrow or some other day a tomorrow. It might be something

that would happen no matter what Thomas did to stop it, or it might be

something would happen only if he let it happen, but at least it was

something that already happened.

He let go of the footboard and went to his worktable.

His legs were shaky. He was glad to sit down. He opened the drawer of

the cabinet that stood beside the table. He saw scissors in there,

where they should be, with his colored pen and pens and paper clips and

Scotch tape and stapler-an half-eaten Hershey’s bar in an open wrapper,

which shouldn’t be in there because it would Draw Bugs. He took the

candy out of the drawer and stuffed it in a pocket of his robe,

reminding himself to put it in the refrigerator later.

For a while he stared at the scissors, listened to Derek in the shower,

and thought how the scissors were jammed in Derek’s belly, letting all

the music and other sounds out of him forever, sending him to the Bad

Place. Finally he touched the black plastic handles. They felt all

right, so he touched the metal blades, but that was bad, real bad, as if

leftover lightning from a storm was in the blades and jumped into him

when he touched them. Sizzling, crackling white light flashed through

him. He snatched his hand back. His fingers tingled. He closed the

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Categories: Koontz, Dean