The Bad Place by Dean R. Koontz

found a space movie where spacemen in space suits were poking around in

some spooky place. Derek made happy sigh and said,

“This is good. I like their hats.”

“Helmets,” Thomas said.

“Space helmets.”

“I wish I had a hat like that.” When he reached out into the big dark

again, Thomas decided not to picture a mind-string unraveling toward the

Bad Thing. Instead he Pictured a raygun, shooting some invisible rays.

Boy, did that work better! Wham, he was right there wit the Bad Thing

in a flash, and he felt it stronger, too, so strong he got scared and

clicked off the raygun and got all of himself back into his room with

the rest of himself right away.

“They got telephones in their hats,” Derek said.

“See they’re talking through their hats.” On the TV, the spacemen were

in an even spookier place poking around, which was one of the things

spacemen did most, even though something ugly-nasty was usually in those

spooky places just waiting for them. Spacemen never learned. Thomas

looked away from the screen.

At the window.

The dark.

Bobby was scared for Julie. Bobby knew stuff Thomas didn’t know. If

Bobby was scared for Julie, Thomas had to be brave and do What Was


The raygun idea worked such a lot better it scared him, but he figured

it was really good because he could easier snoop on the Bad Thing. He

could get to the Bad Thing faster and get away from it faster, too, so

he could snoop on it more often and not be scared about it maybe

grabbing the mind-string and coming back to The Home with him. Grabbing

an invisible raygun ray was harder, even for a thing as fast and smart

and mean as the Bad Thing.

So he pictured pushing buttons on a raygun again, and a part of him went

through the dark-wham!-and to the Bad Thing right away. He felt how mad

the Bad Thing was, madder than ever, and thinking lots of thoughts about

blood that made Thomas half sick. Thomas wanted to come right back to

The Home. The Bad Thing felt him, you could tell. He didn’t like the

Bad Thing feeling him, knowing he was there with it, but he stayed just

a couple clock ticks longer, trying to see any thoughts about Julie in

all those thoughts about blood. If the Bad Thing had thoughts about

Julie, Thomas would TV a warning right away to Bobby. He was happy he

couldn’t find Julie in the Bad Thing’s mind, and he quick raygunned back

to The Home.

“Where you think I could get a hat like that?” Derek asked.


“Even has a light on it, see?” Rising up a little from his pillows,

Thomas said,

“You know what kind of a story this is?” Derek shook his head.

“What kind of story?”

“It’s the kind where any second something ugly-nasty jumps up and sucks

off a spaceman’s face or maybe crawls in his mouth and down his belly

and makes a nest in there.” Derek made a disgusted face.

“Yuck. I don’t like that kind of stories.”

“I know,” Thomas said.

“That’s why I warned you.” While Derek made a lot of different pictures

come on the screen, one quick after the other, to get far away from the

spaceman who was going to get his face sucked off, Thomas tried to think

how long he should wait before he snooped on the Bad Thing again. Bobby

was real worried, you could tell, even if he tried to hide it, and Bobby

was not a Dumb Person, so it was a good idea to check on the Bad Thing

pretty regular, in case maybe it all of a sudden thought about Julie and

got up and went after her.

“You want to watch this?” Derek asked.

On the screen was a picture of this guy in a hockey uniform with a big

knife in his hand, going quiet-like across a room where a girl was

asleep in a bed.

“Better raygun up another picture,” Thomas said.

BECAUSE THE rush hour was past, because Julie knew all the best

shortcuts, but mainly because she was not in a moo be cautious or

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Categories: Koontz, Dean