The Bad Place by Dean R. Koontz

regret escape him, he switched off the lamp. He stood for a while in

the darkness, enveloped by the gent aroma of blood.

When his eyes had readjusted to the gloom, he returned to the hall, not

bothering to close the girl’s door behind him.

He entered the room across from hers and found it unoccupied But in the

room next to that one, Candy smelled stale sweat, and heard snoring.

This one was a boy, seven or eighteen, not a big kid but not small

either, and he put up more of a struggle than his sister. However, he

was sleeping on his stomach, and when Candy threw back the covers fell

upon him, the boy’s face was jammed hard into the pit of the mattress,

smothering him and making it difficult for him to shout a warning. The

fight was violent but brief. The boy passed out from lack of oxygen,

and Candy flopped him over When he went for the throat, Candy let out a

low eager cry that was louder than any sound the boy had made. Later,

when he opened the door to the fourth bedroom, first pewter light of

dawn had pierced the windows. shadows still huddled in the corners, but

the deeper darkness had been chased off. The early light was too thin

to elicit color from objects, and everything in the room seemed to be

one shadow of gray or another.

An attractive blonde in her late thirties was asleep on her side of a

king-size bed. The sheets and blanket on the other half of the bed were

hardly disturbed, so he figured the woman’s husband and had either moved

out or was away on business. He noted a half-full glass of water and a

plastic bottle of prescription drugs on the night stand. He picked up

the pharmacy bottle and saw that it was two-thirds full of small pills.

A sedative, according to the label. From the label, he learned her

name: Roseanne Lofton.

Candy stood for a while, staring down at her face, an old longing for

maternal solace stirred in him. Need continued to drive him, but he did

not want to take her violently, not want to rip her open and drain her

in a few minutes.

He wanted this one to last.

He had the urge to suckle on this woman as he had suckled on his

mother’s blood when she would permit him that grace. Occasionally, when

he was in her favor, his mother would make a shallow cut in the palm of

her hand or puncture one of her fingers, then allow him to curl up

against her and be nursed on her blood for an hour or longer. During

that time a great peace stole over him, a bliss so profound that the

world and all its pain ceased to be real to him, because his mother’s

blood was like no other, untainted, pure as the tears of a saint.

Through such small wounds, of course, he was able to drink no more than

an ounce or two of her, but that meager dribble was more precious and

more nourishing to him than the gallons he might have drained from a

score of other people. The woman before him would not have such

ambrosia within her veins, but if he closed his eyes while he suckled on

her, and if he let his mind reel backward to memories of the days before

his mother’s death, he might recapture at least some of the exquisite

serenity he had known then… and experience a faint echo of that old


At last, without casting the covers aside, Candy gently lowered himself

to the bed and stretched out beside the woman, watching as her

heavy-lidded eyes fluttered and then opened. She blinked at him as he

cuddled next to her, and for a moment she seemed to think that she was

still dreaming, for no expression tightened the muscles of her slack


“All I want is your blood,” he said softly.

Abruptly she cast off the lingering effects of the sedative, and her

eyes filled with alarm.

Before she could spoil the beauty of the moment by screaming or

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Categories: Koontz, Dean