The Bad Place by Dean R. Koontz

was in the early stages of labor.” The longer he listened to Fogarty,

the more it seemed to Bobby that the air in the library was foul and

growing fouler, thick with a humidity as sour as sweat.

“Claiming that he wanted to protect Cynthia as much as possible from

public scorn, Yarnell offered me a pretty fat fee if I’d keep her out of

the hospital and deliver the baby right in my office, which was a little

risky, in case there were complications. But I needed the money, and if

anything went really wrong, there were ways to cover it. I had this

nurse at the time who could assist me-Norma, she was pretty flexible

about things.” great, Bobby thought. The sociopathic physician had

Just found himself a sociopathic nurse, a couple who would be right in

the social swing of things among the medical staff at Dachau or


Julie put a hand on Bobby’s knee and squeezed, as if the contact

reassured her that she was not listening to a mad doctor in a dream.

“What came out of that girl’

“You should have seen it, Fogarty said.

“A freak it was, just as you’d expect.”

“Wait a minute,” Julie said.

“I thought you said the baby was Roselle. Frank’s mother.”

“It was,” Fogarty said.

“And she was such a spectacular little freak that she’d have been worth

a fortune to any carnival or sideshow willing to risk the anger of the

law to exhibit he He paused, enjoying their anticipation.

“She was an hermap rodite.

For a moment the word meant nothing to Bobby, and then he said,

“You don’t mean-she had both sexes, male and male?”

“Oh, but that’s exactly what I mean.” Fogarty bounced frorp his chair

and began to pace, suddenly energized by conversation.

“Hermaphroditism is an extremely rare birth defect in humans, it’s an

amazing thing to have the opportunity to deliver one. You have traverse

hermaphroditism, wherehave the external organs of one sex and the

internal ofother, lateral hermaphroditism… several other types. But

one thing is… Roselle was the rarest of all, she possessed the

complete internal and external organs of both sexes.” He pluck a thick

medical reference book from one of the shelves a handed it to Julie.

“Check page one forty-six for photos ofkind of thing I’m talking about.”

Julie handed the volume to Bobby so fast it seemed as ifthought it was a


Bobby, in turn, put it beside himself on the sofa, unopen The last thing

he needed, with his imagination, was the ass tance of clinical


His hands and feet had gone cold, as though the blood had rushed from

his extremities to his head, to nourish his bra which was spinning

furiously. He wished that he couldthinking about what Fogarty was

telling them. It was gro But the worst thing about it was, judging by

the physicia strange smile, Bobby sensed that what they had heard thus

was all just the bread on this horror sandwich; the meatyet to come.

Pacing again, Fogarty said,

“Her vagina was about who you’d expect, the male equipment somewhat

displaced. Urination was through the male part, but the female appeared

rep ductively complete.”

“I think we get the picture,” Julie said.

“We don’t need the technical details.” Fogarty came to them, stood

looking down at them, and eyes were as bright and lively as if he were

recounting a chaing medical anecdote that had bewitched legions of

delight companions at dinner parties over the years.

“No, no,z x must understand what she was, if you’re going to understand

all that happened next.” THOUGH HER OWN Mlnd was split into many

parts-sharing the bodies of Verbina, all the cats, and the owl on

Fogarty’s porch roof-Violet was most acutely aware of what she was

receiving through the senses of Darkle, as he perched upon the

windowsill outside the study. With the cat’s sharp hearing, Violet

missed not a word of the conversation, in spite of the intervening pane

of glass. She was enthralled.

She seldom paused to think about her mother, although Roselle was still

in this old house in so many ways. She seldom thought about any human

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Categories: Koontz, Dean