The Bad Place by Dean R. Koontz

poems, the ones that almost fell on the floor when it slammed Derek on

the table. It made the scissors go into Derek and bring the blood out

of him, into Derek who wouldn’t hurt no one himself, except

himself,wouldn’t know how to hurt anyone. And the Bad Thing get the

scissors go in again and bring more blood out of another place in Derek,

and in again, and again. Then blood was coming Out of just four places

on Derek’s chest and belly who the scissors had been made to go in, but

out of his mouth a nose too. The Bad Thing lifted Derek off the table,

the scissors still sticking out of his front, and threw him like he was

just a Pillow. No, like he was a garbage bag, threw him like the

Sanitation Men threw the garbage bags onto their Sanitation Truck. Derek

landed on his bed, on his back on bed, with the scissors still in him,

and didn’t move and

gone to the Bad Place, you could tell. And the worst thing was it all

happened so fast, faster than Thomas could think what to do to stop it.

Footsteps in the hall, people running.

Thomas yelled for help. the doorway. Pete saw Pete, one of the aides,

showed up in Derek on the bed, scissors in him, blood coming out

everywhere, and he got afraid, you could see him get it. He turned to

the Bad Thing and said,

“Who-” The Bad Thing grabbed him by the neck, and Pete made a sound like

something was stuck in his throat. He put both his hands on the Bad

Thing’s arm, which seemed bigger than Pete’s two arms together, but he

couldn’t make the Bad Thing let go. The Bad Thing lifted him by his

neck, making his chin turn up and his head bend back, and then took hold

of him by the belt, too, and pitched him back out the door, into the

hall. Pete hit a nurse who came running up just then, and they both

went down on the floor out there in the hall, all tangled up, her


All of this in a few clock ticks. So fast.

The Bad Thing made the door shut with a bang, saw you couldn’t lock it,

then did the funniest thing of all, funny-weird, funny-scary. He held

both his hands out at the door, and this blue light came from his hands

the way not-blue came from a flashlight. Sparks flew from hinges and

around the knob and all around the door edges. Everything metal smoked

and turned all soft, like butter when you put it on mashed potatoes. It

was a Fire Door. They said you had to keep your door closed if you ever

saw fire in the hall, not try to run in the hall, but keep your door

closed and stay put. They called it a Fire Door because fire couldn’t

get through it, they said, and Thomas always wondered why they didn’t

call it a Fire Can’t Get Through It Door, but he never asked. The thing

was, a Fire Door was all metal, so it couldn’t burn, but no* it melted

around the edges, and so did the metal frame, they melted together, it

didn’t look like you could ever get through that door again.

People started pounding on the door from out there in the hall, tried to

make it open, couldn’t, and shouted for Thomas and Derek. Thomas knew

some voices and who they belonged to, and he wanted to yell for them to

help quick because he was in trouble, but he couldn’t make a sound any

better. Poor Derek.

The Bad Thing made the blue light stop. Then it turned looked at

Thomas. It smiled at him. It didn’t have a nice smile it said,


Thomas was surprised he could stand up, he was so scared He was against

the wall by the window, and he thought maybe making the lock open on the

window and push it and get out, which he knew how to do because of

Emerge Drills. But he knew he wasn’t fast enough, no way, because the

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Categories: Koontz, Dean