The Bad Place by Dean R. Koontz

stop the churning.

“Ask Park Ham stead, down there in El Toro, whether he and his wife were

thrilled when she developed terminal cancer, and ask him how his dream

about him and Maralee Roman worked after he finally got over the death

of his wife. Nasty bugger name Candy got in the way of that one. Ask

all the poor suckers lyin in the hospital with cerebral hemorrhages,

cancer. Ask those who get Alzheimer’s in their fifties, just when their

goide years are supposed to start. Ask the little kids in wheelchair

from muscular dystrophy, and ask all the parents of those other kids

down there in Cielo Vista how Down’s syndrom fits in with their dreams.

Ask-” She cut herself off. She was losing control, and she could not

afford to do so tonight.

She said,

“Come on, let’s go.”


“First, we find the house where that bitch raised him. Cruis by, get

the lay of it. Maybe just seeing it will give us ideas.’

“I’ve seen it.”

“I haven’t.”

“All right.” From a nightstand drawer he removed a tele phone directory

for Santa Barbara, Montecito, Goleta, Hop Ranch, El Encanto Heights, and

other surrounding communi ties. He brought it with him to the door.

She said,

“What do you want that for?”

“We’ll need it later. I’ll explain in the car.” Sprinkles of rain were

falling again. The Toyota’s engine was still so hot from the drive

north that in spite of the cool night air, steam rose from its hood as

the beads of rainwater evaporated. Far away a brief, low peal of

thunder rolled across the sky. Thomas was dead.

HE RECEIVED images as faint and distorted as reflections on the

wind-rippled surface of a pond. They came repeatedly as he touched the

faucets, the rim of the sink, the mirror, the medicine cabinet and its

contents, the light switch, the controls for the shower. But none of

his visions was detailed, and none provided a clue as to where the

Dakotas had gone.

Twice he was jolted by vivid images, but they were related to disgusting

sexual episodes between the Dakotas. A tube of vaginal lubricant and a

box of Kleenex were contaminated with older psychic residue that had

inexplicably lingered beyond its time, making him privy to sinful

practices that he had no desire to witness. He quickly snatched his

hands away from those surfaces and waited for his nausea to pass. He

was incensed that the need to track Frank through these decadent people

had forced him into a situation where his senses had been so brutally


Infuriated by his lack of success and by the unclean contact with images

of their sin (which he seemed unable to expel from his mind), he decided

that he must burn the evil out of this house in the name of God. Burn

it out. Incinerate’it. So that maybe his mind would be cleansed again

as well.

He stepped out of the bathroom, raised his hands, and sent an immensely

destructive wave of power across the bedroom. The wooden headboard of

the big bed disintegrated, flames leaped from the quilted spread and

blankets, the nightstands flew apart, and every drawer in the dresser

shot out and dumped its contents on the floor, where they instantly

caught fire. The drapes were consumed as if made from magicians’

flashpaper, and the two windows in the far wall burst, letting in a

draft that fanned the blaze.

Candy often wished the mysterious light that came from him could affect

people and animals, rather than just inanim things, plants, and a few

insects. There were times when would have gone into a city and melted

the flesh from the bow of ten thousand sinners in a single night, a

hundred thousand it didn’t matter which city, they were all festering

sewers iniquity, populated by depraved masses who worshipede and

practice( every repu sive degeneracy. He had never seen anyone in any

of them, not a single person, who seemed to have to live in God’s grace.

He would have made them run screaing in terror, would have tracked them

down in their sec places, would have splintered their bones with his

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Categories: Koontz, Dean