The Bad Place by Dean R. Koontz

escaped him.

At the other end of the room, carrying a sheaf of printout Lee Chen

entered from the reception lounge. He closed the door quietly. Julie

put a finger to her lips, then motioned him to the sofa.

Jackie spoke soothingly to Frank, trying to allay the fear that had

electrified him.

Suddenly Frank let out a sharp cry of fear. He sounded more like a

frightened animal than like a man. He sat up even straighter. He was

trembling. He opened his eyes, but obviously did not see anything in

the room; he was still in a trance

“Oh, my God, he’s coming, he’s coming now, the twins must’ve told him

I’m here, he’s coming!”

Frank’s unalloyed terror was so pure and intense that some of it was

communicated to Julie. Her heartbeat speeded up, and she began to

breathe more rapidly, shallowly.

Trying to keep his subject relaxed enough to be cooperative, Jackie


“Calm down, Frank. Relax and be calm. Nobody can hurt you. Nothing

unpleasant will happen. Be calm, relaxed, calm.

Frank shook his head.

“No. No, he’s coming, he’s coming, he’s going to get me this time.

Dammit, why did I come back here? Why did I come back and give him a

chance at me?”

“Relax now-”

“He’s there!” Frank tried to rise to his feet, seemed unable to find

the strength, and dug his fingers even deeper into the vinyl padding on

the arms of the chair.

“He’s right there, and he sees me, he sees me.”

Bobby said, “Who is he, Frank?”

and Jackie repeated the question.

“Candy. It’s Candy!”

When he was asked again for the name of this person he feared, he



“His name is Candy?”

“He sees me!”

In a more forceful and commanding voice than before, Jackie said,

“You will relax, Frank. You will be calm and relaxed.” But Frank only

grew more agitated. He had broken into a sweat. Fixed on something in

a far place and time, his eyes were wild. His terror seemed to be

sweeping him into a heartbursting panic.

“I don’t have much control of him,” Jackie said worriedly.

“I’m going to have to bring him out of it.”

Bobby slid forward to the edge of his chair.

“No, not yet’ In a minute but not yet. Ask him about this Candy. Who

is the guy?”

Jackie repeated the question.

Frank said, “He’s death.”

Frowning, Jackie said, “That’s not a clear answer, Frank.”

“He’s death walking, he’s death living, he’s my brother, her child, her

favorite child, her spawn, and I hate him, he wants to kill me, here he

comes!” With a wretched bleat of terror, Frank started to push up from

the chair.

Jackie ordered him to stay where he was.

Frank sat down reluctantly, but his terror only grew, cause he could

still see Candy coming toward him.

Jackie tried to bring him out of that place in the past, toward the

present, and out of his trance, but to no avail.

“Got to get away now, now, now, ” Frank said desperately.

Julie was frightened for him. She’d never seen anyone more pathetic or

vulnerable. He was drenched in sweat, shivering violently. His hair

had fallen over his forehead, into his eyes, but it did not interfere

with the vision of terror that had been called up from his past. He

clutched the arms of the chair so fiercely that a fingernail on his

right hand finally punctured the vinyl upholstery.

“I’ve got to get out of here,” Frank repeated urgently.

Jackie told him to stay put.

“No, I’ve got to get away from him!”

To Bobby, Jackie Jaxx said, “This has never happened to me, I’ve lost

control of him. Jesus, look at him, I’m afraid the guy’s going to have

a heart attack.”

“Come on, Jackie, you’ve got to help him,” Bobby said sharply. He got

off his chair, squatted beside Frank, putt his hand on Frank’s in a

gesture of comfort and reassurance.

“Bobby, don’t,” Clint said, standing up so fast that he dropped the tape

recorder he’d been balancing on his thigh.

Bobby didn’t respond to Clint, for he was too focused on Frank, who

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Categories: Koontz, Dean